Silver Y moth (Autographa gamma) - Wildlife Insight
The Silver Y has a variable wingspan of between 30 – 45 mm and is one of the most commonly seen daytime flying moths. It is most easily recognised by its metallic sheen and the complete …
Why the Y? The silver Y moth | Biocommunication Group
2023年8月3日 · The silver Y moth, Autographa gamma, is a migratory moth of the family of Noctuidae. They are medium sized with a wingspan of 30–45 mm and patterned in various …
Types of House Moths (With Pictures) - Identification Guide
2022年9月24日 · House moths are common household pests that no one wants to discover flying around their home. These pesky flying insects may not bite, but they can cause damage to …
10 Types Of House Moths (With Photos) | Upgradedhome.com
2022年1月28日 · When you have a moth infestation in your home, there are two main types that are the most likely suspects: pantry moths and clothes moths. To help you determine which …
Moths catch the wind to speed migration - Nature
2010年2月4日 · How the moths detect these altitudes is still being studied, but sophisticated mechanisms that determine wind speed while they are flying help them to reach average …
Silver Y (Autographa gamma) - Norfolk Moths
The moth is active by day and by night. Several generations occur, most frequent May - Sept. Can turn up in thousands under the right conditions, especially at coastal migration watch-points. …
Silver Y - The Wildlife Trusts
The Silver Y is a medium-sized moth that can be seen on warm days throughout the year, although it is most common during the late summer. At times, this migrant may be a very …
Silver Y Autographa gamma - Moth
A well-known immigrant species, this moth can turn up in thousands under the right conditions, especially at coastal migration watch-points. It can occur anywhere in Britain, and in autumn, …
Silver Y moth - Our Gardens Matter
2025年3月3日 · The Silver Y, a moth of medium size, is often seen on warm days throughout the year, but more common during the late summer. This migratory species is often seen in …
Wiltshire Butterfly Conservation — Silver Y
Silver Y. Autographa gamma Forewing Length: 13-21mm . Description This common and migratory moth is easily recognized by its inverted silvery-white y-shaped marking in the …