help is there any way to transport the items in the right ... - Reddit
Try putting a out funnel on the side on the chest and a in funnel on the basin. Funnel and item drain. put a funnel on them and use a mechanical arm. vanilla hoppers or else andesite funnel on the left side of the chest and another andesite funnel on the right side of the basin.
Why isn't the funnel extracting from the millstone? (Create:Above ...
2023年7月29日 · It's hard to tell what's going on, but the funnel on the side is supposed to immediately extract whatever's inside the millstone and put it in the hopper. So you would need a brass funnel with a filter to only extract the blend. If you put a hopper underneath, it will automatically put the blend in when it's done.
How to get item off depot and into a funnel or belt? : r/CreateMod - Reddit
Right click your funnel on the side of your depot, instead of on the top of your belt. It will attach to the depot, and output items.
数位营销不能不懂!你的营销漏斗(Marketing Funnel)做对了 …
你可以把这个漏斗在第四部分的转换阶段之前想成上(Top of the funnel, TOFU)、中(Middle of the funnel, MOFU)、下(Bottom of the funnel, BOFU)三个部分。 这个阶段消费者通常在试着解决问题或是找寻答案,他们试着透过各种渠道找资讯,帮助他们理清目前所遭遇的问题。 而消费者和你的品牌最初的互动可能源自于多种渠道,如社群媒体、部落格、论坛、广告、Email营销等。 在此处你必须确认要用哪一种渠道作为主要让人们认识你的媒介,去找到你的内容、发现 …
航海英语——船舶部位名称 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
公众号“航海界”,后台回复“航海用语”,即可获得标准航海通信用语(中英文)的学习资料,里面包含了标准用语的全部文字内容以及相关的标准发音,欢迎大家领取学习,进一步提高标准航海通信用语水平。 一、船舶概况 Ship’S particulars 1. ship’s name 船名 2. LOA (length overall) 总长 3. breadth 型宽 4. depth 型深 5. max. height from keel 龙骨以上最大高度 6. call sign 呼号 7. horse power 主机功率 8.…
Andesite Funnel | Create Wiki | Fandom
The Andesite Funnel is used to extract or insert materials into inventories, similar in nature to the Brass Funnel. While held, funnels prevent the player from accessing inventories, instead placing them.
Death From Above
The strike landed square on her skull. She bled into darkness and then a funnel, a tunnel, and a bubble, and inside the bubble were all the faces and places she had loved.
2: The funnel from above in world coordinates and scaled and …
The red arrows show the mapping for different parts of the funnel. from publication: Tracking the Wanders of Nature | | ResearchGate, the professional network for scientists.
water through a funnel - Ask MetaFilter
2007年3月5日 · We timed three different methods of draining water from the funnel: a) stopping the funnel with a finger, filling the funnel completely, then removing finger; b) "fast pouring" the water into the open funnel from a height of about an inch above the funnel; c) "slow pouring" the water into the open funnel to "minimize turbulence" from the same ...
Moving items upwards with only chests and brass funnels
2022年4月13日 · They scale well because a depot can have items placed on or taken off of it by a funnel above it, and it also prevents clogs from leaving floating items