Gravity Falls Ciphers - Online Decoder, Encoder, Translator
Tool to decrypt / encrypt with the different ciphers used in the TV series Gravity Falls whose authors were fond of cryptograms.
List of cryptograms/Episodes | Gravity Falls Wiki | Fandom
The Caesar cipher (or shift cipher) used in Gravity Falls uses a shift of +3 or -23: you encrypt by applying the A1Z26 cipher above, adding +3 or -23 using modular addition (so 1-3=25), and …
CRYPTOGRAM CODEX - Gravity falls chiphers decoder - GitHub …
Click on the symbol you want to use or type the text you want to encrypt.
Bill Cipher - Gravity Falls - Online Decoder, Translator
Tool to decode / encode with the cipher/language used by Bill Cipher in Gravity Falls. Bill is a triangle-shaped character, an evil dream demon master of illusions.
Gravity Falls: Break the Code!
Gravity Falls is full of secrets. What mysteries will you solve?
Gravity Falls Theraprism Cipher Translator - Online Decoder
Tool to decode and encode Gravity Falls Theraprism messages with symbols from The Book of Bill and Season 2 Episode 15: The Last Mabelcorn.
Gravity Falls Cryptogram Decipherer - GitHub Pages
Gravity Falls Cryptogram Decipherer. Select Cipher: