Echinocardium cordatum - Wikipedia
Echinocardium cordatum, also known as the common heart urchin [2] or the sea potato, [3] is a sea urchin in the family Loveniidae. It is found in sub-tidal regions in temperate seas throughout the world.
Heart urchin | Sea Creature, Spiny Shell, Radial Symmetry
Heart urchin, any echinoid marine invertebrate of the order Spatangoidea (phylum Echinodermata), in which the body is usually oval or heart-shaped. The test (internal skeleton) is rather fragile with four porous spaces, or petaloids.
Characteristics of Heart Urchins, or Sea Potatoes - ThoughtCo
2019年3月31日 · Heart urchins (also called spatangoid urchins or sea potatoes) get their name from their heart-shaped test, or skeleton. These are urchins in the order Spatangoida. Heart urchins are relatively small animals that are usually not more than a few inches in diameter. They look a little like a cross between an urchin and a sand dollar.
Spatangoida - Wikipedia
The heart urchins or Spatangoida are an order of sea urchins. Their body is a somewhat elongated oval in form, and is distinguished by the mouth being placed towards one end of the animal, and the anus towards the other. As a result, heart urchins, unlike most other sea urchins, are bilaterally symmetrical, and have a distinct anterior surface.
Interesting facts on Heart urchin (Echinocardium cordatum).
2015年4月28日 · The heart urchin has a heart- shaped shell around 6-10cm in length. This is covered with a large number of short, yellow-brown spines that are directed backwards making the heart urchin look hairy. They have two different type of spine;, spoon-shaped spines that look like shovels and are used to burrow themselves into the sand, and smaller ...
Echinocardium - Wikipedia
Echinocardium is a genus of sea urchins of the family Loveniidae, known as heart urchins. The name is derived from the Greek ἐχῖνος ( echinos , " hedgehog , urchin ") and καρδία ( kardia , " heart ").
Heart Urchin shell - Project Noah
2019年7月7日 · Heart urchins live in burrows lined with mucus. The common heart urchin (Echinocardium cordatum) occurs in all oceans. Several Heart urchin shells have been found together with different seastar species in the sand bar of Port Barton, San Vicente. Transform your green space into a curiosity-creating nature classroom!
Heart urchin, Eurypatagus ovalis - Divegallery
This type of 1-1/2 inch oval-shaped heart urchin is not commonly seen, since it is adapted for living buried in the sand. The spines are numerous and sharp, though they are very thin and brittle, with alternating color bands of reddish-orange and white.
Sea Potatoes from Gower – Jessica's Nature Blog
2011年5月19日 · A seashore favourite of mine is the Heart Urchin, also known as a Sea Potato, Echinocardium cordatum (Pennant). Here is one from the strandline at Whiteford Sands, Gower, South Wales. This photograph shows the under surface of the empty test or shell of the animal with the spines still attached.
Sea Potato sea urchin shell – Jessica's Nature Blog
2012年7月2日 · Just some snapshots of the empty shell or test of the Sea Potato sea urchin, also called the Heart Urchin, Echinocardium cordatum (Pennant). The top picture shows the test with the top or aboral surface showing.