Jewellery World Awards (JWA) – A Cut Above. A Band Apart.
Jewellery World Awards names KGK Group Chairman as Recipient of Lifetime Achievement Award
JNA Awards is now Jewellery World Awards
HONG KONG, 21 JANUARY 2021 – In response to the need of a global platform where innovative minds and exceptional leaderships can share achievements and success in the international jewellery and gemstone industry, the JNA Awards will take on a new positioning starting 2021, as Jewellery World Awards (JWA).
About the Awards – Jewellery World Awards (JWA)
The Jewellery World Awards (JWA), previously known as the JNA Awards, was launched by Informa Markets Jewellery in 2012. It stands out in the jewellery and gemstone community for honouring industry innovators, visionaries and next-generation talents.
珠宝界的“奥斯卡”:JNA大奖,一次珠宝理念的碰撞 - 知乎
由亚洲博闻主办的JNA大奖,是国际珠宝及宝石业界中最负盛名的 奖励计划之一,被誉为 珠宝业界的“奥斯卡 ®”。 它的设立旨在嘉许世界各地珠宝和宝石业内人士和企业,以表扬业界的 最佳实务和推广 展示出色领导能力、创新思维与成功的可持续发展及 社会责任策略 的企业及个人。 截止目前,已成功举办了七届,今年将 正式踏入第八个年头。 随着JNA大赛的日趋成熟和进步,参评的国家或地区的企业更加 多元、广泛,其在国际范围内的 号召力、影响力、权威性 不断增强。 JNA …
什么是JNA珠宝大奖? - 知乎
JNA大奖乃珠宝界的年度瞩目盛事,踏入六周年,大奖继续由五位珠宝及宝石业极具权威的专家担任大会独立评审。 由JNA 举办,JNA大奖旨在嘉许对珠宝行业追求卓越、持续创新及抱有热诚的业者和企业,并且表扬他们为推动亚洲地区珠宝业的增长和发展所作出的贡献。 知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」为品牌使命。 知乎凭借认真、专业、友善的社区氛围 …
JWA Dubai
5 天之前 · Tawhid Abdullah of Dubai Gold and Jewellery Group (centre) presents the Outstanding Enterprise of the Year award to Ahmed Hosni (far right) and Mahmoud Elsisi of Pure Gold Jewellers
Sustainability Awards 2025 by JWA opens for entries
2025年1月6日 · Informa Markets Jewellery’s Sustainability Awards by JWA returns with a redefined set of categories to better reflect current realities. The awards programme is accepting entries through its online submission form until April 7, 2025.
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2024年11月2日 · JNA ( Japan NailistAssociation)是NPO法人日本美甲师协会的简称,宗旨是推动日本美甲行业健康发展及普及,包括举办美甲研修及技能认定考试,以提升美甲行业从业者水平及保障消费者享有安全及高素质服务。
JNA大奖蜕变成Jewellery World Awards
由全球最具规模的珠宝展主办机构Informa Markets Jewellery主办的JWA于2021年度共有八个奖项类别接受报名,并将于1月29日公开接受登记。 2021年度JWA颁奖典礼暨晚宴将于九月举行的「环球盛事 | 九月香港珠宝首饰展览会」期间以实体及线上溷合形式亮相,本年度JWA获首席合作伙伴周大福珠宝集团有限公司和上海鑽石交易所,以及 KGK 集团和粤海置地(深圳)有限公司两家荣誉合作伙伴鼎力支持。 Informa Markets Jewellery出版的旗舰刊物《JNA亚洲珠宝》,将继续 …
JNA Awards is now Jewellery World Awards
The JNA Awards is taking on a new positioning as Jewellery World Awards or JWA, in response to the need for a global platform where innovative minds and exceptional leaderships can share achievements in the international jewellery and gemstone industry.