Mercury-Redstone Launch Vehicle - NASA
2016年9月16日 · The Mercury-Redstone launch vehicle was the first crewed launch vehicle in the United States space program. The Mercury-Redstone provided NASA with an opportunity understand performance aspects of the Mercury spacecraft, the effect of a weightless environment on astronauts, and launch and recovery operations at Kennedy Space Center.
Mercury-Redstone Launch Vehicle - Wikipedia
The Mercury-Redstone Launch Vehicle, designed for NASA's Project Mercury, was the first American crewed space booster. It was used for six sub-orbital Mercury flights from 1960–1961; culminating with the launch of the first, and 11 weeks later, the second American (and the second and third humans) in space.
Old Reliable: The story of the Redstone - The Space Review
Fifty years ago this week, a modified Redstone missile topped with a Mercury capsule called Freedom 7 launched the first American, Alan Shepard, into space. While Freedom 7 did not enter orbit like Yuri Gagarin had done on the first Vostok flight the previous month, it was this country’s first tentative step into the arena of manned spaceflight.
红石式运载火箭 - 百度百科
红石式运载火箭又称“水星-红石”运载火箭(Mercury-Redstone Launch Vehicle),是美国航空航天局(NASA)在水星计划中使用的第一种载人亚轨道飞行运载器。红石式运载火箭由NASA委托美国陆军弹道导弹局(ABMA)/红石兵工厂研制。
The Mercury-Redstone program, the first step in the United' States effort of manned space flight, was successfully completed on July 21, 1961 with the achievement of the second manned flight. Project Mercury, initiated to investigate man's capabilities during space flight, utilized
History and development of the Mercury-Redstone program
2013年1月1日 · Mercury-Redstone 1 (MR-1) was to be the first qualifying flight of an unmanned Mercury capsule mated with a Redstone rocket. The launch, set to take place from Pad 5 of Cape Canaveral’s Air Force Launch Complex 56, was to be a full test of the spacecraft’s automated flight controls, as well as the launch, tracking and recovery operations on ...
A modified version of the Redstone missile, the Mercury-Redstone was a one-stage rocket used in the initial NASA effort to launch astronauts into space. In most respects, the Mercury-Redstone was quite similar to its missile relative.
mercuryredstone - NASA
American sub-orbital launch vehicle. The Mercury–Redstone was developed from the Redstone intercontinental ballistic missile and manufactured by the Chrysler Corporation. It is comprised of a single core stage. The Mercury–Redstone was the first U.S. crewed launch vehicle.
Testing the First U.S. Crewed Launch Vehicle, Mercury-Redstone - NASA
2023年8月24日 · Through Project Mercury, the United States’ first human-in-space program, Mercury-Redstone provided NASA with an opportunity to understand performance aspects of the Mercury spacecraft, the effect of a weightless environment on astronauts, and launch and recovery operations at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida.
Mercury-Redstone - Next Spaceflight
The Mercury-Redstone Launch Vehicle, designed for NASA's Project Mercury, was the first American crewed space booster. It was used for six sub-orbital Mercury flights from 1960–61; culminating with the launch of the first, and 11 weeks later, the second American (and the second and third humans) in space.