  1. Copilot 答案
    音乐,广义而言,就是指任何以声音组成的艺术。英文Music一词源于古希腊语的μουσική,意即缪斯女神的艺术。而中文的音乐二字,东汉许慎《说文解字》解释为“音,声也。生于心,有节于外,谓之音。”认为音乐和声音的区别,在于音乐需要透过人心去想像和创造。 音乐可分为创作、演奏、聆听三个过程,在不同文化和社会,对于音乐的过程及其重要性都有不同的理解。 音乐的主要元素有音高、节奏和音色。音乐可以分为不同种类,但每种种类的区别常常是含糊和具争议的,而不同种类的音乐会不同程度地强调或忽略某些音乐元素。至于何谓声音,或者乐音和噪音的区别,则没有公认的标准,也因着文化与社会背景而有所不同。许多在当时代具突破性或前卫的音乐被时人批评为“非音乐”,例如贝多芬的大赋格以及早期的爵士乐等等。但近代有不少音乐家不认同传统的理解,例如二十世纪美国作曲家约翰·凯吉认为任何声音和静默皆是音乐。
    Etymology and terminology

    The modern English word 'music' came into use in the 1630s. It is derived from a long line of successive precursors: the Old English 'musike' of the mid-13th century; the Old French musique of the 12th century; and the … 展开


    It is often debated to what extent the origins of music will ever be understood, and there are competing theories that aim to explain it. Many scholars highlight a relationship between the origin of music and the origin of language, … 展开


    "Composition" is the act or practice of creating a song, an instrumental music piece, a work with both singing and instruments, or another type of music. In many cultures, including Western classical music, the act of … 展开

    Art and entertainment

    Music is composed and performed for many purposes, ranging from aesthetic pleasure, religious or ceremonial purposes, or as an entertainment product for the marketplace. When music was only available through … 展开