New Generation Jails | Office of Justice Programs
Principles of this 'new generation' jail are effective control and supervision, competent staff, staff and inmate safety, manageable and cost-effective operations, effective communication, …
New Generation Jails - An Innovative Approach to an Age-Old …
This report describes methods to create new, more functional jails through architecture, personnel training, and community education. New generation jails can alleviate traditional incarceration …
8.8. Types of Jails - Open Oregon Educational Resources
While there are others, jails can be separated into two broad types, the older generation, and the new generation. Older generation jails are jails that are typically linear in design, with cell …
Chapter 7: Jails: Detention and Short-Term Incarceration - Quizlet
Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like What is the main advantage of the new-generation jail?, Which of the following is a negative aspect of the close links between …
The term new generation jail refers 'to new or remodeled jails that are designed around a podular architectural design in conjunction with a direct supervision inmate management orientation. …
Detention and desistance from crime: Evaluating the influence of a new ...
1999年11月1日 · New generation (also called podular/direct supervision) jails depart from traditional jails in both their physical environment and their approach to inmate supervision.
A comparative evaluation of a new generation jail
This study reports findings from an evaluation of a new generation jail in a large southwestern state. The jail is one component of a complex containing a traditional jail, an indirect …
(PDF) Watered Down: Partial Implementation of the New Generation Jail ...
2006年9月1日 · Podular direct-supervision jails, also known as new generation jails, are a radical departure from the design and management strategy of traditional institutions.
Examining Implementation Issues With New Generation Jails
2002年9月1日 · These “new generation” jails are a radical departure from the traditional linear intermittent design that dominated jail architecture for two centuries. The current study …
Sage Reference - Encyclopedia of Crime and Punishment - New Generation ...
Unlike traditional jails where inmates are only occasionally observed by correction officers, in the new generation jail inmates are under continuous and direct supervision.