Nucleated red blood cell - Wikipedia
In the latter sense, there are two types of erythroblasts: normoblasts as cells that develop as expected, and megaloblasts as unusually large erythroblasts that are associated with illness. …
Erythropoiesis: What It Is & Process Stages - Cleveland Clinic
Normoblast. Reticulocyte. Erythrocyte (fully mature red blood cell). Your bone marrow releases mature blood cells into your bloodstream. Once they’re in your bloodstream, your red blood …
Normoblast - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
A normoblast is the originator that extrudes a nucleus to form a reticulocyte. You might find these chapters and articles relevant to this topic. RBCs are formally called erythrocytes. Nucleated …
Normoblast | Blood Cell, Erythropoiesis, Hemoglobin | Britannica
Normoblast, nucleated normal cell occurring in red marrow as a stage or stages in the development of the red blood cell (erythrocyte). Some authorities call the normoblast a late …
Normoblast | definition of normoblast by Medical dictionary
A nucleated red blood cell, the immediate precursor of a normal erythrocyte in humans. Its four stages of development are: 1) pronormoblast, 2) basophilic normoblast, 3) polychromatic …
NORMOBLAST Definition & Meaning | Merriam-Webster Medical
The meaning of NORMOBLAST is an immature red blood cell containing hemoglobin and a pyknotic nucleus and normally present in bone marrow but appearing in the blood in many …
Normoblast - wikidoc
It is the immediate precursor of a normal erythrocyte. The term normoblast is sometimes used as a synonym for erythroblast, but at other times it is considered a subcategory. In the latter …