picoSpin™ 80 Series II NMR Spectrometer - Thermo Fisher Scientific
The Thermo Scientific™ picoSpin™ 80 Series II NMR Spectrometer is a compact and affordable instrument that offers the chemistry education community a hands-on tool for chemical …
OpenGammaProject/Open-Gamma-Detector - GitHub
Open hardware for a hackable gamma spectrometer all-in-one device using a popular NaI(Tl) scintillation crystal and a silicon photomultiplier (SiPM). Extremely affordable design for a …
高性能荧光寿命和稳态光谱仪 - PicoQuant
FluoTime 300包含测量稳态光谱和荧光衰减曲线所需的完整光学和电子元件,凭借时间相关单光子计数(TCSPC)或者多通道测量(MCS)技术,有效记录稳态光谱以及几皮秒到几秒的荧光 …
德国picoquant 荧光光谱仪 - PicoQuant中国
PicoQuant提供多种荧光光谱仪,从用于教学或日常工作的紧凑型台式光谱仪到精确计时至几皮秒的模块化高端光谱仪。 样品可以是标准比色皿中的液体、固体样品,甚至是用于在线质量控 …
FluoTime 300 - High-End Photoluminescence Spectrometer
The FluoTime 300 is a high performance fluorescence spectrometer for materials science, life science, and photochemistry applications. Our fully automated setup contains complete optics …
Halcyone Pico Fluorescence Spectrometer - Ultrafast Systems
HALCYONE Pico is an all-in-one Fluorescence Spectrometer with Time-Correlated Single Photon Counting. It allows for measuring fluorescence decays with picosecond time resolution. This is …
picoSpin 45 really is the world’s first compact NMR spectrometer. How does it work? The picoSpin is, in most respects, a conventional Fourier-transform proton NMR spectrometer. It has all of …
Picospin Nmr Instruments | Thermo Fisher Scientific
Get a dedicated NMR spectrometer for your research, manufacturing process or classroom with the affordable Thermo Scientific™ picoSpin™ 45 Series II NMR spectrometer. A true …
Open Gamma Detector - Kitspace
Open hardware for a DIY all-in-one gamma-ray spectrometer using popular scintillation crystals and a Raspberry Pi Pico. This is the latest hardware revision 4.2 using the Pico 2! For older …
Picospectrometer - optotekhnika.ru
We combine user friendly Raspberry Pi Pico with professional grade spectrometer to open the world of spectroscopy for everyone. Picospectrometer can be equipped with Hamamatsu mini …