Are Elderly at Increased Risk Following Pacemaker Implantation ...
In one large series of pacemaker implants, atrial lead dislodgement occurred in 3.8% of cases, ventricular lead dislodgement in 1%, wound infection in 0.8%, pneumothorax in 0.6%, …
Lung Complications Persist After ILD Single-Lung Transplants
2024年5月1日 · The top complications in the retained native lung in patients with ILD included pneumothorax (29.4%), pulmonary aspergillosis (11.8%), and acute exacerbation (8.9%).
Are Elderly at Increased Risk Following Pacemaker Implantation?
Early postimplant complications included lead dislodgement or loss of capture, cardiac perforation, pneumothorax, hematoma, infection, and death. Lead fracture was considered a …
Pulmonary Complications of Cirrhosis - Page 3 - Medscape
2013年1月16日 · Hepatic Hydrothorax (Pleural Effusion) Pleural effusions complicate end-stage liver disease in 5% of patients. [5,6] Effusions (defined as 500 mL or more of fluid within the …
Percutaneous Central Venous Catheter Placement in Children
Complications Associated With CVC Insertion and Maintenance ... Pneumothorax. The risk of pneumothorax with subclavian CVC insertion is approximately 2% . [6,7,11–13,15] ...
Early and Late Complications After Elective Bedside Surgical
Early and Late Complications After Elective Bedside Surgical Tracheostomy: Our Experience . ... Pneumothorax: 0 (0) Wound infection: 4 (2.85) Tracheal stenosis: 1 (0.71) References.
Leadless Pacemaker Shown Safe in Older, Sicker Patients - Medscape
2020年5月20日 · The rate of acute complications during the first 30 days after implant was also virtually the same in the two study arms. Patient who received the leadless device had …
Surgery Unnecessary in Many Pneumothorax Cases - Medscape
2020年1月29日 · Even more surprising was the effect of conservative management on complications and reoccurrence. "Recurrence during the first 12 months was more frequent in …
Fewer Complications With Subclavian Catheterization - Medscape
2015年9月24日 · Per 1000 catheter-days, these combined complications occurred at a rate of 1.5 events for subclavian vein catheters, 3.6 for jugular vein catheters, and 4.6 for femoral vein …
New Recommendations for Cardiac Devices - Medscape
2025年2月7日 · The subcutaneous ICD system was developed to reduce complications. “For example, younger patients are at increased risk for long-term lead failure and may require …