Several old villages now belong to the city, for example Grossgründlach, Kraftshof, Thon, and Neunhof in the north-west; Ziegelstein in the northeast, Altenfurt and Fischbach in the south-east; and Katzwang, Kornburg in the … 展开
Nuremberg for many people is still associated with its traditional gingerbread (Lebkuchen) products, sausages, and handmade toys. Pocket watches — Nuremberg eggs — were made here in the 16th century by … 展开
Nuremberg is Bavaria's second largest city after Munich, and a popular tourist destination for foreigners and Germans alike. It was a leading city 500 years ago, but 90% of the town was destroyed in 1945 during the war. A… 展开
1 天前 · Luftaufnahme der Innenstadt von Münster, 2009 Domplatz und Prinzipalmarkt im Modell für Blinde. Die kreisfreie Stadt Münster (münsterländisch Mönster, niederländisch Munster, …