Schindler House - Wikipedia
The Schindler House, also known as the Schindler Chace House or Kings Road House, is a house in West Hollywood, California, designed by architect Rudolph M. Schindler. [2] The house serves as headquarters to the MAK Center for Art and Architecture, (founded in 1994 by Peter Noever, Director of the Museum of Applied Arts, Vienna) which operates ...
Exploring the 1922 Schindler House - ThoughtCo
2016年7月18日 · Schindler designed this two-family house in 1921, while still working on the Hollyhock House. It is an unusual two-family home—four rooms (spaces, really) were envisioned for the four occupants, Clyde, and Marian Chace and Rudolph and Pauline Schindler, with a communal kitchen shared by both couples.
AD Classics: Kings Road House / Rudolf Schindler - ArchDaily
2016年3月16日 · Designed by Rudolf Schindler in 1921, the architect’s use of tilt-slab concrete construction (highly innovative at the time) and an informal studio layout, set it apart from its contemporaries;...
经典再读49 | 辛德勒自宅:光线,温度,情绪 – 有方
2020年2月17日 · 1920年,他和新婚妻子来到了洛杉矶,负责赖特在巴恩斯代尔艺术公园(Barnsdall Art Park)的住宅项目——蜀葵住宅的工地现场监造工作。 离开了东塔里埃森和芝加哥,美国西岸辽阔的自然景色和前殖民时期遗留下来的遗迹和文化,深深打动了这位始终带着一丝波西米亚气质的建筑师。 这位曾受教于欧洲早期现代主义建筑师奥托·瓦格纳(Otto Wagner) 和阿道夫·路斯(Adolf Loos)的年轻建筑师,在为赖特工作近4年后,开始对赖特的设计方向产生 …
Schindler House — MAK Center for Art and Architecture
The Schindler House has the inevitability of a masterpiece. Incorporating both architectural and social theory, it unfolds formally, spatially and intellectually with a coherence unparalleled in early modern architecture.
Rudolf Schindler House in Los Angeles - ArchEyes
2024年5月13日 · The Schindler House, also known as the Kings Road House, pioneered modernist architecture in the early days. Designed by Rudolf Schindler in 1921 and completed in 1922, this structure in West Hollywood, California, broke new ground with its innovative use of materials and radical departure from traditional residential design.
国王路的房子/ Rudolf Schindler | ArchDaily - 传播世界建筑
2016年3月27日 · 位于洛杉矶好莱坞西部,隐蔽在高高的竹林后的国王路的屋子也许会是有史以来体现现代主义风格的第一件建筑作品。 该建筑由建筑师Rudolf Schindler1921年设计,他采用倾斜板混凝土建造(极富创新的时代)以及非正式的工作室布局,使它从同时代脱颖而出;事实上,该设计为未来几十年的其他现代主义住宅设计定下了基调。 Rudolf Schindler 在他的家乡奥地利维也纳的建筑研究后,已打算前往美国与弗兰克劳埃德赖特一起工作。 在第一次世界大战爆发前 …
Rudolph Schindler (architect) - Wikipedia
The Kings Road house was designed as a studio and home for Schindler, his wife, and their friends Clyde and Marian DaCamara Chace. The floor plan worked itself around several L-shapes. Construction features included tilt up concrete panels cast on site, which contrasted with the more 'open' walls of redwood and glass.
The Walker House, R.M. Schindler, 1936 - Open Space
2024年4月11日 · Schindler's Walker House is not merely a structure; it's a living canvas of architectural ingenuity. Perched on the hills of Silver Lake, it commands attention with its sleek lines and dynamic angles, a testament to Schindler's commitment to challenging convention.
Schindler House - architecture-history.org
If there is one architect who explored all these roads (or more than anybody else, at least) it was Rudolph Schindler, domestic architect extraordinary in California. He was one of a fairly close connection (Eric Mendelsohn, Richard Neutra) who were attracted to the US by their admiration for Frank Lloyd Wright.