Saunalahti School / VERSTAS Architects - ArchDaily
2013年7月26日 · Saunalahti school is a multi-purpose building for education and culture. The school is closely linked to the future central square of the new residential area of Saunalahti and its open...
Building an even better Finnish school - thisisFINLAND
Award-winning Helsinki firm Verstas Architects recently built Saunalahti School, which opened its doors in autumn 2012 to 750 students, from preschool to teenagers. The 10,000-square-metre building elicited an unlikely response: It has become the living room of the whole neighbourhood.
Saunalahti School · Finnish Architecture Navigator
Saunalahti School tackles this problem in a refreshing way – by offering what is an undeniably inspiring and upbeat environment for learning and enjoying education.
Saunalahti school - hundred.org
Saunalahti school has developed a ”Mapping System” for the teachers to track students' learning and need for support in a systematic way. Teachers can plan their instruction based on situation assessments made every couple months by special-needs teachers.
Saunalahti comprehensive school | Verstas Architects | Archello
Saunalahti school is a building tailored to support thepedagogical ideas of a forward-looking school. In its operation, the school puts special emphasis onnew ways of learning, art and physical education and collaboration.
The school of the future has opened in Finland - Bright Side
At the Saunalahti school in the city of Espoo, Finland, they’ve found a brilliant way to overcome this problem. Starting just with the school building itself, you’d look at it and never think it was a school. Instead, it’s more a like modern art museum — wonderfully light and airy.
Saunalahti School - Arch Journey
Saunalahti school is the focal point of the new residential area of Saunalahti, an active and open platform for learning, culture and communality. The building is the outcome of close collaboration between the architect and the user.
Saunalahti School - Architectures - Jidipi
2013年7月26日 · Saunalahti school is a multi-purpose building for education and culture. The school is closely linked to the future central square of the new residential area of Saunalahti and its open character makes it an active part of the everyday environment of the residents.
VERSTAS Architects’ Saunalahti School Exemplifies Finnish School ...
2013年7月25日 · Helsinki-based VERSTAS Architects has shared with us the beautiful Saunalahti Comprehensive School project in Espoo, Finland's second largest city. The school building, completed last fall, was the result of an open architecture competition in 2007 which VERSTAS Architects won. — bustler.net.
Saunalahti comprehensive school - Divisare
Saunalahti is an entirely new neighbourhood of Espoo, Finland’s second largest city. In 2007, VERSTAS Architects won the open architectural competition for Saunalahti school and the building was completed in Autumn 2012.