Placement & Removal Procedures - SecurAcath
Place catheter according to protocol, leaving 3cm of catheter external to the insertion site. SecurAcath requires 3cm of catheter shaft to attach to catheter. Select appropriate size SecurAcath device to match catheter diameter.
SecurAcath Removal Fold Method with Catheter in Place
2019年9月5日 · SecurAcath removal using fold method with catheter in place
Home - SecurAcath
Catheter Complications For the Life of the Line™ Preferred by Leading Clinicians Worldwide Improved Securement of PICCs, CVCs, and More
• If infection is suspected, remove the Tegaderm I.V. Advanced Dressing, inspect the catheter site directly, and determine appropriate medical intervention. • Inspect the 3M ™ PICC/CVC Securement System daily and change the system as necessary, in …
Video - SecurAcath
2023年10月5日 · Read through our collection of clinical evidence regarding the use and effectiveness of our SecurAcath securement device.
SecurAcath – Eloquest Healthcare, Inc.
SecurAcath is a subcutaneous catheter securement system. The device utilizes a small anchor (securement feet) placed just beneath the skin at the catheter insertion site and attached to the catheter shaft.
PICC Line Removal: Techniques, Tips, and Troubleshooting
2024年11月5日 · Learn step-by-step techniques for effective PICC line removal with key tips to ensure patient safety and prevent complications. PICC line removal is an essential part of patient care, often performed by nurses to discontinue intravenous therapy when its no longer needed.
Follow the instructions for the routine removal of a PICC with SecurAcath until the PICC has been removed and the lower part of the SecurAcath in the only item left in situ.
SecurAcath® Removal Videos - Vygon
Watch the SecurAcath® removal videos to learn the best procedure to remove a device, whether with or without a catheter in place. Video List: Removal Fold or Split Method with Catheter Removal (click to scroll)
SecurAcath Removal Fold or Split Method with Catheter Removed
SecurAcath removal procedure using either fold or split method with catheter removed
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