Is "software" singular or plural? Can "softwares" be used instead?
2014年11月29日 · Saying "softwares" fairly clearly identifies the speaker as someone for whom English is not their first language. However, one should avoid phrases such as "but various software now use(s) it". The phrase "but various software media managers now use it" is an acceptable replacement, though in that case one might just as well leave out "software ...
Does "software" have a plural form? | WordReference Forums
2005年5月11日 · Computer dealers more particularly, the unauthorised hardware suppliers who assemble components and sell comptuers to the users with software already installed. Unfortunately, in most of the cases these computers are loaded with unlicensed softwares. In such cases, unless a license and software manuals are provided with the sale, it is likely ...
grammatical number - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
2020年12月4日 · 2025, and the plural form softwares, indicating countification of the noun for individual examples of the form, is at least acknowledged by Wikipedia, where it admittedly is still deemed non-standard. –
software o softwares? - WordReference Forums
2008年11月5日 · Al plurale è corretto dire 'softwares' oppure 'software' o si usano delle espressioni tipo 'a package of software' or ....something else? Thanks a lot in advantage
Is "a software" really never correct? [duplicate]
However, I've heard software developers (for whom English is a second language) incorrectly use "a software" and "softwares". – Hugo Commented Dec 21, 2011 at 9:31
determiners - Is "software" plural or singular? - English Language ...
2014年12月18日 · The background: the lexeme SOFTWARE is a M (often called “mass”, or sometimes “uncountable”, “non-countable”, or “noun-count”) noun; in most uses — note the qualification — it is SG-only (*softwares), takes the determiners characteristic of M nouns (much software, for instance), and rejects the determiners characteristic of ...
software vs a software | WordReference Forums
2016年8月15日 · Hello members. 1- there is new educational software available.:tick: 2- there is a new educational software available.:confused: I know "software" is an uncountable noun and we should not use article "a/an" for it , but I have seen many uncountable nouns being used with an article (usually...
Prepositions when you're talking about internet/softwares/apps
2017年5月11日 · I know the proposition when we're talking about the internet is 'on': "I read an article on the internet"; "I found it on the internet"; "I will put this picture on the internet" My doubt is if when I'm talking about sites, apps, software, (everything that …
Word for software which has been killed or is no longer supported
2013年12月12日 · For a general-use single-word verb to mirror released, I suggest discontinued.That is, releases, support, etc. (whatever it is that you mean) are no longer continuing.
Softwares - WordReference Forums
2007年9月14日 · Yes, Passita is right, I actually queried this with the Real Academia de la Lengua Española (RAE) and they sent the following reply regarding the plural forms of "Hardware" and "Software":