Solifugae - Wikipedia
Solifugae is an order of arachnids known variously as solifuges, sun spiders, camel spiders, and wind scorpions. The order includes more than 1,000 described species in about 147 genera. Despite the common names, they are neither true scorpions (order Scorpiones) nor true spiders (order Araneae).
避日目 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
避日目(學名: Solifugae )隶属节肢动物门 蛛形纲,现存12科,141属,共计一千余种,俗称避日蛛或风蝎,分布于非洲、亚洲及美洲的热带和亚热带 沙漠。
Homepage of The Arachnid Order Solifugae
The site provides information about the biology, taxonomy, and distribution of arachnids contained in the order Solifugae, commonly called “camel spiders.” It is our hope that this site will promote a better understanding of these unique arachnids and …
Sunspider | Desert, Nocturnal, Solifugae | Britannica
2025年1月18日 · Sunspider, (order Solifugae), any of more than 1,000 species of the arthropod class Arachnida whose common name refers to their habitation of hot dry regions as well as to their typically golden colour. They are also called wind scorpions because of their swiftness, camel spiders because of their
Taxonomy and Phylogeny - Solifugae
Spanning over a century, the works of solifuge researchers in taxonomy and systematics have described 15 families in this order of arachnids along with various fossilized extinct lineages. Today, this order comprises 15 families, over 140 genera, and over 1200 described species.
避日蛛 - 百度百科
避日蛛是避日目避日蛛科节肢动物, [3-5] 又称太阳蛛、风蝎、骆驼蜘蛛。 [6] 身体分为头胸部和腹部;前体的背甲分两部分:一片大的前背甲,其前缘中部有一对眼,另有一个短的后背甲;仅第1胸节与头部愈合而成头胸部,后3个胸节游离;一些种类具有较大的中眼,能辨别形状,用以狩猎与避敌;有4对步足和1对特别延长的触肢;螯肢特别大,长度超过前体,分2节,组成钳;触肢像步足,末端有一特殊的黏附器官用于捕食;腹部大而分节。 [7] 避日蛛分布于除南极洲和澳大 …
(PDF) BIONOTES Volume 25 Solifugae - Academia.edu
ABSTRACT The Solifugae have not been well studied apart from work during the British era in India. Even the recorded distribution is still patchy and needs proper understanding of different species found across the country. In this paper, we report the first record of the Solifugae families Galeodidae and Rhagodidae from Delhi.
Solifugae: AAS - American Arachnological Society
Many solifuges are able to run at extremely fast speeds (53 cm/sec) and for extended periods. Solifuges vary from a few millimeters to 10 centimeters in length and look superficially like stout, hairy, fast-running spiders with an extra pair of legs (leg-like, sensory pedipalps, held out …
Life History - Solifugae
Burrowing is an important feature in the life of a solifuge and this behavior has been studied in detail for several species (Muma 1966c, Cloudsley-Thompson 1977, Gore and Cushing 1980, Wharton 1987, Punzo 1998). Burrows provide humidity and protection from extreme temperatures and predators on a daily basis.
Solifugae - GBIF
Solifugae in GBIF Secretariat (2023). GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. Checklist dataset https://doi.org/10.15468/39omei accessed via GBIF.org on 2025-02-26.