Helping the Body Heal Itself: Injected Stem Cells for Back Pain
2023年3月23日 · Targeting the root cause of disc-related back pain, the NIH HEAL Initiative ® is seeking minimally invasive alternatives that help the body heal itself and don’t require post-surgical pain management.
Vaccines prevent opioid self-administration. Vaccination with OXY-KLH generated oxycodone-specific serum IgG antibody conc. of 450 ±65 μg/ml, with high affinity for oxycodone (Kd<50 nM and IC50<20nM). How does a vaccine fit into treatment options for SUD? What about illicit stimulant use? Figure.
A Shot Against Opioids | NIH HEAL Initiative
2020年9月22日 · There are three FDA-approved medications to treat opioid use disorder; however, more choices are needed to ensure that people have options that work for them and their individual needs. An opioid vaccine would be a new kind of treatment approach to provide protection against the effects of opioids, including overdose.
Optimizing Non-Addictive Therapies to Treat Pain - NIH HEAL …
2025年2月21日 · New non-addictive therapies for effective pain management as viable alternatives to opioids are urgently needed. This program will facilitate research and development in academic and small business settings to evaluate unexplored targets for …
What Is HEAL Doing to Improve Pain Management?
2021年6月1日 · Screening and testing platforms like organ-on-a-chip, stem cells, or other technologies can help with this. Ultimately, you can only predict so much with preclinical research. The only way a promising drug becomes an FDA-approved drug …
The NIH HEAL Initiative 2024 Annual Report: RESEARCH IN ACTION
2024年2月6日 · Harm reduction services include provision of naloxone to reverse overdoses, sterile syringes and injection equipment, vaccines, drug testing, and connections to medications to reduce the spread of infectious diseases.
HEAL Headliners: Innovative Long-Acting ... - NIH HEAL Initiative
2023年6月7日 · User-friendly, long-acting treatment options are needed for both opioid use disorder and pain. This HEAL webinar explored research on the development of two long-acting therapeutics: gene therapy for pain and a novel opioid receptor blocker for …
Preclinical and Translational Research in Pain Management
2024年5月10日 · Through a suite of targeted research efforts, the Helping to End Addiction Long-term ® Initiative, or NIH HEAL Initiative ®, is accelerating the discovery and preclinical development of new medications and devices to treat pain.
Preventing Opioid Use Disorder - NIH HEAL Initiative
2025年2月21日 · Effective prevention strategies can reduce the likelihood that individuals who may experience risk for substance use begin misusing opioids or develop opioid use disorder.
Deep Brain Stimulation for Severe Opioid Addiction
2022年11月15日 · In a particularly innovative approach, HEAL-funded neurosurgeon Ali Rezai, M.D., of the West Virginia University Rockefeller Neuroscience Institute in Morgantown is evaluating the use of deep brain stimulation for patients with severe, treatment-resistant opioid use …