munitions in the Marine Corps. These weapons, in conjunction with the M16A2/A4, help build the concept of putting the enemy in a combined arms dilemma at the squad level. It is important that...
Deputy Commandant for Information
In support of the Commandant of the Marine Corps and his Title 10 responsibilities as a service chief, the Deputy Commandant for Information serves as the principal advisor on all...
Marine Corps Service Data Officer (MC SDO) is the chair of the FDWG. Members will be identified in the charter. The FDWG will provide recommendations to the appropriate governing body.
Service Data Office - United States Marine Corps
The official website for the Deputy Commandant for Information
sdo serial #: elev wind collimator setting buis bzo alpha numeric navmc xxxxxx 11-11 s/n xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx u/i bx of 100 fouo: privacy sensitive when filled in annual rifle training databook m27 infantry automatic rifle with squad day optic (sdo) and ruggedized mimiature reflex (rmr) range: target: relay: date: weapon serial #: unit: blood type:
SDO Military Abbreviation Meaning - All Acronyms
SDO in Military commonly refers to Staff Duty Officer, a position responsible for overseeing the operations and activities of a military unit during a specified duty period. Explore categories such as Military and Government for more information. Related abbreviations include SDO (Staff Duty Officer) and SDO (Special Duty Officer).
The responsibilities of the Marine Corps Detachment Fort Belvoir SDO are to ensure the accountability of all permanently and temporarily assigned personnel after normal duty hours and...
Marine Detachment Fort Gregg-Adams - United States Marine Corps
S-1 will provide the Marine with a Reporting Endorsement and complete all required administrative actions. If arriving outside of normal business hours, Marines should report to the A Company Staff...
Marine Corps Detachment Goodfellow - United States Marine Corps
DoD Safe Helpline is anonymous, confidential and tailored to support members of the DoD community and loved ones affected by sexual assault. For more Information, visit or call (877)995-5247.
Special Duties & Other Assignments - Marines
From MARSOC to security forces, a Marine's career options are vast. Learn more about the special duties and assignments available in the USMC.