Ficus lyrata - TROPICAL LOOKING PLANTS - PalmTalk
2010年11月18日 · This Ficus lyrata is growing in the Sun 'N' Lakes subdivision on the S.E. out skirts of Lake Placid, Florida. This subdivision (IMO, based on the amount and size of zone 10+ palms and plants growing there), is the warmest subdivision in Highlands County, Florida, due to it being situated on the east shore of Lake Grassy, with numerous canals running through the subdivision from the lak
nice local Banyan Tree, Ficus benghalensis - PalmTalk
2008年9月3日 · There are some Ficus getting big agaon in this area but they are the species commonly sold as tropical foliage; F. benjamina, F. microcarpa, F. elastica, and F. lyrata. On occasion you might see the variegated form of F. altissima. Here is one of the banyans here at Leu Gardens, photo is from 2 years ago;
Fiddle Leaf Fig - Ficus lyrata - TROPICAL LOOKING PLANTS
2022年4月9日 · Fiddle Leaf Fig - Ficus lyrata. By piping plovers April 9, 2022 in TROPICAL LOOKING PLANTS - Other Than ...
Ficus aspera 'Parcellii'- Mosaic Fig (Variegated Ficus #1)
2013年6月11日 · This is Ficus aspera 'Parcellii', Mosaic or Clown Fig. It can grow into a medium sized tree 20-30 feet. The markings on some of the leaves almost look pixelated. Even the figs are striped on this tree. It is native to Vanuatu in the South Pacific.
Fastest growing ficus species? - TROPICAL LOOKING PLANTS
2019年3月6日 · I like your variegated F. rubinginosa (nice leaf color). Below is a photo of my Ficus altissima variegata when I first planted it out in April of 2000. In January of 2001 my ficus was frozen down to the roots by a severe radiational freeze (22 degree low), which also killed my small royal palm planted to the left of the ficus.
Ficus Triangularis Variegata - TROPICAL LOOKING PLANTS
2008年1月27日 · I bought this tree in a local plant show. Just wanted to share. It was an entry in one of the local shows way back and appears in the commercial sections very rarely.
Ficus Triangularis-how big do they get?? - palmtalk.org
2011年4月14日 · The variegated Ficus that I've seen used in landscapes-- F. benjamina, F. microcarpa, F, rubiginosa, F. altissima, F. aspera-- have almost all eventually adapted to sun. I've heard that the white-variegated form of F. religiosa can't take sun though.
Ficus virens 'Snowstorm'- Spotted Fig (Variegated Fig #3)
2013年6月11日 · This is Ficus virens 'Snowstorm', Spotted Fig. F. virens is native to a wide region from India to southern China, S.E. Asia, Taiwan, the Philippines and northern Australia. This is a large tree growing 50ft or more. It was formerly known as F. lacor. 'Snowstorm' has speckled leaves that often eme...
beccariophoenix alfredii vs a coconut - DISCUSSING PALM
2023年2月6日 · Both planted about the same size and same time, about 10 ft apart. Neither ever fertilized. While I do love beccariophoenix alfredii, it's clearly not a real coconut substitute. Like all beccariophoenix it's pretty slow, takes up a massive circumference and the fronds spread for miles lol. beccar...
Any drama queens after repotting? - TROPICAL LOOKING PLANTS
2024年8月10日 · For me it's been the usual suspect: Ficus lyrata. When I repotted it it lost all leaves and refused to produce more for several months. And that's despite the fact that I did not remove the old soil or disturb the roots. Other than that I haven't had issued with repotting so far.