Problems with the Omnipotence paradox - Philosophy Stack …
2016年5月22日 · The omnipotence paradox is a family of semantic paradoxes that explores what is meant by 'omnipotence'. If an omnipotent being is able to perform any action, then it should be able to create a task that it is unable to perform. Hence, this being cannot perform all actions (i.e. it is not omnipotent), a logical contradiction. The paradox of the ...
Is the argument that God can't be omnipotent, omniscient and all …
2021年12月11日 · God's omnipotence does not include the ability to violate logic; God's omnipotence include the ability to violate logic; If a god's omnipotence does not allow it to violate logic then it simply may not be able to be all-benevolent and all knowing at the same time as that god also prohibits evil. This is a limit of the meaning of omnipotence.
logic - Does the notion of an all-powerful God conflict with the …
Note that, as others have argued, God's omnipotence need not mean his omniscience. However, since the main perceived paradox between God and free will arises from his omniscience, this will be assumed for this answer. The common argument at this point (very similar to, if not the same as, stoicfury's answer) is something along the lines of:
Does this explain the Omnipotence paradox?
2021年8月17日 · About the omnipotence paradox, the 'ability or inability to do something' has a factor of time associated with it. So if i ask an omnipotent being to make a rock it can't lift, "Here. A rock I can't lift." "Haha. So you aren't omnipotent." "Yes I am. Look I'm lifting it." "But you just said you could not lift it?" "I said I 'couldn't'. But I 'can'.
Can an eternal god destroy himself? - Philosophy Stack Exchange
An entirely opposing approach taken by many is the idea that the paradox itself is unresolvable. This group sees the paradox as significant evidence against the existence of an omnipotent God; since the concept of omnipotence raises many contradictory situations, it is simply the case that an omnipotent entity cannot exist.
Newest 'omnipotence' Questions - Philosophy Stack Exchange
2024年12月11日 · From Wikipedia: The omnipotence paradox is a family of semantic paradoxes that explores what is meant by 'omnipotence'. If an omnipotent being is able to perform any action, then it should be able ...
Are there any other "omni-" paradoxes known similar to …
2022年9月12日 · The paradox related to omnipotence is well known - in one of the many possible forms it asks whether an omnipotent being can create a stone that it cannot lift. While there are many similar paradoxes based on self-reference (like whether the adjective "not-applicable-to-itself" applies to itself), I do not know any other paradoxes related to ...
How would a theist answer this argument against omniscience?
2016年11月25日 · The first problem, ”the paradox of omniscience”, is derived from Cantor’s proof that there is no set of all sets. Omniscience, it is said, entails knowledge of the set of all truths. Cantor’s proof, however, demonstrates that there is no such set. As there is no such set, it is argued, there can be no omniscient being.
Can we define the notion of an "omnipotent God" in terms of ...
2020年11月7日 · A classic omnipotence paradox asks, "can an omnipotent God create a stone so heavy that He cannot lift it?" The problem here is that we take omnipotence to mean "capable of anything that human languages can express". Since human languages can express logical contradictions, paradoxes ensue.
theology - Is the "omniscient-omnipotent-omnipresent" definition …
Omnipotence It can do whatever it wants, wherever it wants. So there is not anymore only physical paradoxes as with Omniscience and Omnipresence, but it can also break any logical rules that all philosophers live for (as with your future paradox example). And without logical rules, no reasoning exist anymore, everything is possible.