Vachellia tortilis - Wikipedia
Vachellia tortilis, widely known as Acacia tortilis but now attributed to the genus Vachellia of the Mimosa Family (Mimosaceae), [4] is the umbrella thorn acacia, also known as umbrella thorn and Israeli babool, [5] a medium to large canopied tree native to most of Africa, primarily to the savanna and Sahel of Africa (especially the Somali penin...
Botany, associated microbiota, traditional medicinal uses, and ...
2023年6月1日 · Vachellia tortilis subsp. raddiana, a common tree of African and Middle East arid areas. It is a nitrogen fixing leguminous species associated with diverse bacteria and fungi. It is a source of interesting bioactive and diversified chemical compounds. Several tree parts are traditionally used against different infections and diseases.
Twisted acacia : allergenic
Acacia raddiana blooms mainly from October to December, also in March-April. The flowers are light yellow, arranged densely in small globules, like other members of the genus. The filaments are long, protrude from the corolla and determine the color of the inflorescence.
Acacia raddiana, Twisted Acacia, Common Acacia, - Flowers in …
Acacia, from the Greek word akis, meaning a point or a barb. raddiana , named for Giusepe Raddi (1770-1829), Italian botanist. In 1828 he was appointed a member of the commission that was charged with studying the Egyptian hieroglyphs under the direction of Champollion, but he was taken sick and died in Rhodes on his return to Florence.
Pharmacological assessment of the heartwood of Acacia raddiana …
2022年3月22日 · In the present study, the heartwood of desert plant Acacia raddiana Willd was screened for antifungal activity by Agar-well diffusion method against Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus niger, Candida albicans, Penicillium chrysogenum and Trichophyton rubrum. The result obtained shows that heartwood extract and their fractions serve as an effective ...
Acacia raddiana in Global Plants on JSTOR
ACACIA Raddiana Savi [family LEGUMINOSAE-MIMOSOIDEAE], Acacie Egiziane, i. (fide Schweinfurth). A tree; wholly glabrous, the extremities brown or reddish-brown. Stipular spines on the flowering branches very short, slightly recurved, “on barren branches 1 in. long, straight.”
Acacia raddiana, un arbre des zones arides à usages multiples
Sur la piste un arbre, un acacia épineux appartenant selon toute probabilité à l'espèce Acacia raddiana appelée « Tafagag » ou « Afagag » en dialecte tamacheck, se voyait de loin avec ses deux troncs distincts et sa forme en parasol bien que sa hauteur ne dépassât pas 3 m...
Dynamics of Acacia tortilis (Forssk.) Hayne subsp. raddiana (Savi ...
2012年5月30日 · Our results show that the population of A. tortilis subsp. raddiana in the region of Bou Hedma is characterised by an irregular structure, involved in a regressive dynamic. They show also that A. tortilis trees improve soil water availability and the nutrient status of soil.
Acacia raddiana - Wikispecies - Wikimedia
Acacia raddiana Savi. References [edit] International Plant Names Index. 2018. Acacia raddiana. Published online. Accessed: January 18 2018. Reference page. Vernacular names [edit] magyar: Palesztin akácia. For more multimedia, look at Acacia raddiana on Wikimedia Commons. Taxon identifiers: APDB: 67517; FoIO: acarad;
The influence of Acacia tortilis (Forssk.) Subsp. raddiana (Savi) and ...
2008年3月15日 · Acacia tortilis (Forssk.) subsp. raddiana (Savi) is the most important woody species in the pre-Saharan Tunisia zone. It represents the only spontaneous and forest tree persisting on the edge of the desert and it is considered as a “Keystone species” ( …