BD Vacutainer ® Blood Collection Tubes
BD Vacutainer ® RST™ Tubes combine the advantages of a thrombin-based clot activator with a gel barrier, enabling rapid results compared to other serum tubes. A 5-minute clotting time makes this tube appropriate for testing and workflows looking to improve test turnaround and workflow efficiencies compared to historical tube clotting time ...
Blood Collection Tube (Vacutainer) Types - MyHematology
The specific type of royal blue top tube used (with or without EDTA) may depend on the specific test being ordered. These tubes are not suitable for routine blood tests like chemistry panels or CBCs. This image serves as a quick reference guide …
2017年12月24日 · Vacutainer tubes are covered with a Color-coded plastic cap that indicates which additives the tube contains. These color indicators help the phlebotomist to easily select the tubes in which the blood should be drawn as per the tests that have to be performed.
BD Vacutainer® Citrate Tubes - 363080 | BD
BD Vacutainer Plus Tubes are made of a special formulation of the plastic, polyethylene terephthalate (PET). This special formulation is extremely strong, dimensionally stable, and resistant to chemicals and breakage.
BD Vacutainer® SPC Plus Venous Blood Collection - McKesson
BD Vacutainer® brand sterile hematology tubes with the BD Hemogard™ cl … The rubber stopper is recessed inside the plastic shield so any drops … Additive: K2EDTA (spray dried), 7.2mg
Tube Colors and the Tests They Are Used For | Phlebotomy USA
2024年3月24日 · Royal blue top tubes are made for tests that look for tiny amounts of things in your blood. These tubes can have EDTA inside, or they can be empty. They make sure your blood test doesn’t pick up any extra stuff from the tube that could mess up the results.
Royal Blue Tube Guide: Which Royal Blue Tube Should I Use? Before you get started: Please review the test’s collection instructions in the lab catalog (corewellhealth.testcatalog.org). Tube Manufacturers may change, always check the tube label to make sure you have the correct tube and it matches the description in the lab catalog.
Vacutainer® Citrate Tubes - Blue Colored - Thomas Scientific
Vacutainer® Citrate Tubes with 3.2% buffered sodium citrate solution are used for routine coagulation studies. Stoppers contain no TBEP. The tubes can be used for serum, plasma or whole blood based on their color-coded tops. Vacutainer tubes are available with the conventional rubber stopper or a Hemogard™ closure.
Vacutainer tubes and their uses - Pathology Made Simple
2021年2月18日 · 1. What are vacutainer tubes? These are the color coded plastic tubes with rubber stopper. They are used to collect blood for various investigation. 2. Mention the different vacutainer tubes and their uses Red: No anticoagulant, used for serological examination in biochemistry Grey: Contains Sodium Fluoride, Used for glucose estimation
BD Vacutainer ® blood collection tubes
BD Vacutainer plastic tubes offer a safe method of blood collection and reduce the potential for tube breakage and specimen spillage, thereby reducing the potential for exposure to bloodborne pathogens.