Polyolefins | Base Chemicals - Borealis
Borealis is one of the world’s leading providers of advanced and sustainable polyolefin solutions. In Europe, Borealis is also an innovative leader in polyolefins recycling and a major producer of base chemicals.
Organization - About Borealis - Borealis - Borealisgroup (en-GB)
Borealis is a leading provider of innovative solutions in the fields of polyolefins and base chemicals. With its head office in Vienna, Austria, the company currently has around 6,800 employees and operates in over 120 countries. Borealis generated EUR 8.3 billion in sales revenue and a net profit of EUR 906 million in 2018.
Catálogos - Megaluz
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Locations - Borealis - Borealisgroup (en-GB)
Discover Borealis' global footprint, spanning over 120 countries across the world. Whether you're looking for our innovation centers, production facilities, or regional offices, explore our diverse locations to find the nearest hub to you. Skip to view a map of all our locations.
Borealis AG - Wikipedia
Borealis offers pipes used in water and gas supply, wastewater and sewage disposal, in-house plumbing and heating, and the oil and gas industry, including multi-layer coatings for onshore and offshore oil and gas pipelines. The company develops products in the areas of healthcare, plastomers and foamable materials.
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United States - Borealis - Borealisgroup (en-GB)
Borealis is a leading provider of innovative solutions in the fields of polyolefins and base chemicals. With its head office in Vienna, Austria, the company currently has around 6,800 employees and operates in over 120 countries.