Calcifer - Howl's Moving Castle Wiki
Calcifer (カルシファー , Karushifā) is a Fire Demon in a magical contract with Wizard Howl. He used to be a falling star, whom Howl was able to catch before he fell to earth and …
卡西法的主食是木柴,但 蛋壳 、培根、 荷包蛋 这类的副食品也很喜欢,因吃被 莎莉曼 带来的偷窥虫而吃 坏肚子,减弱法力。 卡西法负责城堡的行走、用火等,被夸奖“魔法是一流的”时候 …
卡西法 | 吉卜力工作室 Wiki | Fandom
卡西法(日語:カルシファー) 是 霍爾的移動城堡 的角色之一,是與 霍爾 訂下契約的火惡魔。 卡西法擁有霍爾的心臟,只會聽從霍爾的命令,同時為霍爾控制 移動城堡 移動。 雖然後來 蘇 …
卡西法是什么意思? - 百度知道
2024年1月4日 · calcifer,即卡西法,前身是流星——星之子。 在下流星雨的湿地高原夜晚与少年哈尔以“心脏”订下契约,后居住在城堡壁炉中,是移动城堡的动力来源。
Calcifer Character Analysis in Howl’s Moving Castle - LitCharts
Calcifer is Howl ’s fire demon. He’s bound to Howl’s hearth by a contract—and he promises to lift the curse on Sophie if she figures out how to break the contract between him and Howl. …
Howl’s Moving Castle Questions : r/ghibli - Reddit
2023年10月5日 · Calcifer's magic is what held the castle together. Howl uses Calcifer to reconfigure it also. In the absence of his magic the castle falls apart. Calcifer is a magical …
Calcifer - Diana Wynne Jones Wiki
Calcifer first appears on Sophie's first night in the castle, although his magic can be seen earlier, as he is the one shooting off fireworks on May Day. He allows Sophie to enter the castle …
卡尔西法 - 搜狗百科
2024年9月5日 · 卡尔西法是一颗流星,当它陨落到地面生命就告终结,童年的哈尔在星之湖畔抓住了下坠中的卡尔西法,与它订下契约,吃下它,然后卡尔西法与哈尔的心合而为一,从此以火 …
Best Quotes From Howl’s Moving Castle - quotesanity.com
2024年12月18日 · Said by Calcifer, the fire demon who powers Howl’s moving castle, this quote reflects the desire for a happy ending that is shared by many of the characters in the film. It …
Calcifer | Wiki | Anime Amino
Calcifer doesn't seem very strong as we see him for most of the movie just chilling in his hearth in the castle. But the moving part of "Howl's Moving Castle" is all done by Calcifer. It his sole …