Carrock | The One Wiki to Rule Them All | Fandom
Carrock was a stony eyot in the upper reaches of the River Anduin, to the north of the Old Ford a few miles west of Beorn's farmstead. The stairs had been built by Beorn who sometimes would be seen climbing to the top in the form of a bear to look at the Moon or the Misty Mountains.
Carrock - Tolkien Gateway
2024年12月11日 · The Carrock was a stony eyot in the upper reaches of the River Anduin, to the north of the Old Ford. The river looped around the rock although there was a ford of stones (probably the Ford of Carrock) to the eastern bank, while there was a swirling channel under its western cliff. At the base was a little cave with adjacent steps that led to a ...
卡尔岩 - 魔戒中文维基 - 灰机wiki - 北京嘉闻杰诺网络科技有限公司
卡尔岩 (Carrock),是 安都因河 上游的一座河心岛屿。 卡尔岩是一块庞大如同小山的巨岩,顶部平坦,岩壁上雕刻着一道直通下方河滩的石阶,石阶底部旁边还有一个干净的小岩洞。 卡尔岩四周的河水既浅而清,河滩上遍布卵石:因此,这里是通过 安都因大河 的一处重要渡口。 [1] 卡尔岩距离换皮人 贝奥恩 的 住宅 路程不远,他有时前来此地活动。 据说,卡尔岩的名字就是贝奥恩所取,而巨岩上的台阶也是他亲自雕凿的。 有一次, 甘道夫 还曾看见化身为熊的贝奥恩独自坐在 …
The Carrock - Lotro-Wiki.com
2023年10月16日 · The Carrock is a landmark within the Beorning-lands, in the Vales of Anduin. [13.1N, 58.4W] It is a rocky island in the flowing Anduin river. These deeds can be advanced by visiting the Carrock. The following NPCs can be found within this landmark:
The Encyclopedia of Arda - Carrock - Glyph Web
Finally it should be mentioned that 'Carrock' occurs as a real place-name in northern England, an anglicisation of Celtic cairoc, 'fortress', but this seems unlikely as a source for Tolkien's choice of name.
Ford of Carrock | The One Wiki to Rule Them All | Fandom
The Ford of Carrock was located near the Carrock itself, on the river Anduin between the Misty Mountains and the western borders of Mirkwood. It is mentioned only once by name, by Glóin when speaking to Frodo Baggins prior to the Council of Elrond in the year TA 3018, and was said to be kept free of Orcs by the Beornings under Grimbeorn the Old.
Conflict at the Carrock - Vision Of The Palantir
2018年1月25日 · Rated at a 7 difficulty level by FFG and currently rested at 6.3 by the community on the LOTR Quest Companion. This quest uses the Conflict at the Carrock, the Wilderlands and the Journey Down the Anduin encounter sets. Play if: you want to experience a dramatic battle against some hefty trolls.
Hall of Beorn
Beorn named the Carrock and created the steps that led from its base to the flat top. Once Gandalf saw him as a bear sitting all alone on the top of the Carrock watching the moon sinking towards the Misty Mountains, and heard him growl in the tongue of bears 'The day will come when they will perish and I shall go back!'.
Carrock | Middle-earth Cinematic Universe wiki | Fandom
The Carrock was a stony eyot in the upper reaches of the river Anduin, to the north of the Old Ford. The river looped around the rock although there was a ford of stones (probably the Ford of Carrock) to the eastern bank, while there was a swirling channel under its western cliff.
Need some advice for Conflict at the Carrock. : r/lotrlcg - Reddit
2019年8月27日 · Try usning low threat heros and dunhere. Try and boost dunhere with som atk, and take them down in the staging area. I always go heavy with threat reduction. I typically play two Spirit heroes and one Leadership. So I made use of Gandalf and Sneak Attack as well as The Galadhrim's Greeting. These really kept my threat down.
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