ignorant trailer question - why have a dovetail? - Pirate 4x4
2010年2月11日 · Dovetail = wasted space if you use your trailer for anything other than vehicles. I got rid of my dovetail because i got tired of draggin it on everything. Only flat beds for me from now on. Rampd dont bother me, I juse the tongue jack if …
To Dovetail or not to dovetail - Pirate 4x4
2003年5月20日 · I just ordered a 18 foot trailer with a full deck and all the goodies. It is being made to order and I ordered specifically without dovetail so I can get it in my driveway wtihout hassle Are there any negatives to ordering it this way.. I am thinking that if I want to haul a car I just use extra long ramps. Any Advice would be appreciated. RK
Adding a hydraulic dovetail to existing 24" gooseneck
2019年4月28日 · But, seeing a hydraulic dovetail, got me thinking about making it longer, to haul my 4 dr JK also (3 feet longer than my crawler). I also saw a cool lockout system on a trailer with a hydraulic dovetail. It is a sliding "sled" that extends from the stationary bed into the dovetail once level and locks both into place.
Removable Dovetail for flatbed, Ideas on the easiest way...
2020年7月14日 · Since you want to pull a trailer with it I would put 5 pieces of 2.5x2.5x0.25x6 inch on the bottom, 3 spaced evenly across the bottom of the truck and 2 in each bottom corner of the dovetail. Cut 3 pieces of 2x2x0.25x12 inches and slide those in …
Car hauler, dove tail or not - Pirate 4x4
2005年1月25日 · the trailer I've got (18' BigTex) even drags without being a dovetail. It totally depends on where you drive it though (some of the parkinglot entrances and drain gutters/ditches can be pretty steep) and since it's got the protection bars on the bottom of the rear of the trailer it doesn't hurt anything
Creating a dovetail from a utility trailer - Pirate 4x4
2013年7月22日 · I've had a 16" railed utility trailer for 10 years, and it's worked fine dragging my 4Runner around. The Runner is exactly 83", sidewall-to-sidewall, so I have to use ramps to pull onto the trailer after a run. While I'm getting out the ramps, my buddy is strapping his jeep down on his dovetailed trailer, that he just pulled on to...
Adding a dovetail to a gooseneck? - Pirate 4x4
2007年10月16日 · Keep in mind that if you intend to carry some load on the dovetail, simply adding it onto the back of the trailer can affect weight distribution and therefore axle placement. If the dovetail is not going to be carrying any load and merely a sloped access to the deck to make loading/unloading easier then it's not much of a concern.
Lifting trailer for ground clearance - Pirate 4x4
2015年6月25日 · It has a dovetail that I seem to drag all the Time and it's a pain to have to worry if I can make it without scraping. What is your opinion on doing a lift on the trailer. Either a sprung under kit or cut off the mounts and add in a piece of 2x2 box. If I had the money id replace the trailer but right now I don't have the funds for this.
Simple 16 + 2 trailer re-deck? - Pirate 4x4
2014年7月27日 · Simple 16 + 2 trailer re-deck? Jump to Latest 7.5K views 16 replies 8 participants last post by 174963 Jul 29, 2014
Pop up Dove Tail, hydraulic dovetail, or strait deck w/ ramps?
2007年2月9日 · Anyone have a trailer with a split pop-up dove tail and slide in ramps like pictured below. How do you like it? Seems like you get the advantages of a straight deck, better loading angle of a dovetail, and the ability to hang something off the end of the trailer (if you need to) without having flip-over ramps that you have to tie up because you ...