Peter J. Lau, M.D. - North Kansas City Hospital
My special interests include aortic dissection, endovascular and open aortic aneurysm repair, and vascular access for hemodialysis. General Vascular, American Board of Surgery.
Our Providers | DeSoto Regional Heath Systems
Dr. Lau is employed by DeSoto Regional Health System. He is a member of the DeSoto Regional Family Medicine Clinic in Zwolle, LA. The Zwolle Family Medicine Clinic is open Monday …
Dr. Peter Lau – MAVI
Dr. Lau is a very compassionate vascular surgeon with a broad surgical education in complex procedures. He has trained under many influential surgeons in the vascular community and …
Dr. Peter J. Lau MD - US News Health
Dr. Peter J. Lau is a vascular surgeon in North Kansas City, Missouri and is affiliated with multiple hospitals in the area, including University Health-Truman Medical Center and Liberty...
Dr. Peter Lau, MD - Vascular Surgeon in Kansas City, MO - Healthgrades
Dr. Peter Lau, MD is a vascular surgeon in Kansas City, MO. Dr. Lau has extensive experience in Carotid Artery Disease or Carotid Endarterectomy. He is affiliated with medical facilities such …
Dr. Peter Lau, Surgery | Kansas City, MO - WebMD
Dr. Peter Lau, is a Surgery specialist practicing in Kansas City, MO with 11 years of experience. This provider currently accepts 17 insurance plans including Medicare and Medicaid. New...
Dr. Peter Lau, MD – North Kansas City, MO | Vascular Surgery - Doximity
Dr. Peter Lau, MD is a vascular surgeon in North Kansas City, Missouri. He is affiliated with University Health-Truman Medical Center, North Kansas City Hospital, and Liberty Hospital.
Dr. Peter Lau, MD, Vascular Surgeon - Kansas City, MO - Sharecare
Dr. Peter Lau, MD is a vascular surgeon in Kansas City, MO. He currently practices at Practice and is affiliated with Liberty Hospital. He accepts multiple insurance plans. Dr. Lau is board …
Peter Pui Tak Lau - Physician Information - CPSO
Dr. Peter W.K. Lau – Pedder Health
Pedder Health offers a vast array of surgical specialities including breast surgery, cardiothoracic surgery, colorectal surgery, endocrine surgery, gastro-esophageal surgery, hepatobiliary and …