What are all the actions that the Emirate of Granada could've …
2024年7月7日 · Could this ALT emirate of Grenada focus on sailing and naval exploration? If the Andalusians focus on seafaring, then they could discover Macronesia, forge new routes with …
Emirate of Granada - alternatehistory.com
2010年9月17日 · As for the Emirate of Granada, despite some interesting defensive possibilities in the Sierra Nevada, survival for very long after 1492 is as unlikely as the pomegranate …
A Mozarabic/Romance Granada? | alternatehistory.com
2024年3月27日 · I find the Emirate of Granada to be a fairly interesting state. It was the final remaining rump of the once-so-might al-Andalus, but that didn't make it a backwater by any …
emirate of granada | alternatehistory.com
2024年2月21日 · I find the Emirate of Granada to be a fairly interesting state. It was the final remaining rump of the once-so-might al-Andalus, but that didn't make it a backwater by any …
AHC:Ottoman Granada | alternatehistory.com
2012年3月4日 · What it says on the tin. Your challenge is to create a scenario where the emirate of Granada is under the control of the ottoman empire. It Doesn't have to be under full control, …
What are all the actions that the Emirate of Granada could've …
2024年7月7日 · Despite its precarious position, the Emirate of Granada enjoyed considerable cultural and economic prosperity for over two centuries and the Nasrids became one of the …
Latest PoD to achieve Islamic New World | alternatehistory.com
2010年3月27日 · The title is self-explanatory, so let's get started quickly. :D I personally still believe that Emirate Granada can possibly survive if Mehmet II had managed to successfully …
Al-Andalus Ethnography | alternatehistory.com
2017年3月12日 · Nearby is the tomb of the celebrated Nasri Emir of Gharnata [Granada] - Abu Hasán Ali [Muley Hacén or Aviacen] for whom the mountain is named. The tomb is an …
Challenge: a longer lasting Granada | alternatehistory.com
2008年10月24日 · How can we get the Emirate of Granada to survive at least into the nineteenth century, with a POD after 1200. Bonus points if the Reconquista is reversed by 1492 (to at …
WI: The Nasrid Dynasty survived to the present-day?
2024年2月21日 · The Narsid Dynasty of the Emirate of Granada is probably the most well known for being the last Muslim dynasty on the Iberian Peninsula during the Reconquista. After …