Hatchets: Fiskars vs. Estwing...... - Survivalist Forum
2013年7月14日 · I use a fiskars splitting axe at home because it has better geometry for splitting sawn logs end to end on the block. I use estwings in the back country because the thinner …
Fiskars vs. Estwing - which one? | BladeForums.com
2010年1月18日 · If you can find an old f'glas Vaughn rigging hatchet, I think it'd be heavier and more sturdy than the Fiskars. But the best way to choose is to try each one for yourself, …
what Estwing axe or hatchet do you think is the best - BladeForums.com
2014年4月15日 · I also have been contemplating on trying out a Fiskars soon, but I know for a fact that the steel used on Estwings is better than Fiskars.....I think the Fiskars also is a good …
The Best Survival Hatchet: Ultimate Buyers Guide
For first-time hatchet buyers, the Fiskars X7 is strongly recommended. Here’s a well-done review of the Fiskars X7 hatchet. The Estwing seems unbreakable due to its one-piece construction …
Best hatchet out there? Also what do you think of the estwing?
2021年2月18日 · A lot of positive reviews have been around the fiskars/gerber hatchets lately. I went really cheap a couple years back and got a little harbor freight hatchet and aside from it …
Fiskars vs. Estwing - which one? | Page 2 | BladeForums.com
2008年10月29日 · I have experience with an Estwing hatchet and a Fiskars axe, the Estwing i think is easyer to sharpen to a thin edge, while the fiskars will split better. the estwings handle …
Best Axe Brand? - Fiskars Vs Estwing - Survivalist Forum
2012年7月26日 · I've got the Gerber (Fiskars) Sport Axe and full-sized chopping axe. The chopper is mostly used for car camping, but my Sport Axe goes everywhere with me. Both are …
Estwing vs. Fiskars - Strictly Surveying - Discussion Forums for …
2017年8月28日 · I prefer my Vaughan simply because the handles have a more comfortable curve. Just a personal preference. Well, if you want to justify buying inferior quality (i.e. …
Hatchets: Fiskars vs. Estwing...... | Page 3 - Survivalist Forum
2013年7月14日 · I've had kind of an on-again/off again itch to get a decent hatchet, and a thread here recently lit the fire again. I'm looking to keep this as economical as possible, so …
Chopping that wood with an Estwing axe vs Fiskars X7 - Reddit
2021年4月14日 · I love my Estwing camp axe. That looks more like the hatchet. Which is also nice. For the hatchet size I think that I prefer the Fiskars. But once you go up in size it seems …