Jefferson County (South)-Lakewood,Evergreen - Freecycle
2 free Jade plants (plus a brand new baby one), easy to grow. Please bring our plan to use your own pots. Thank you....
Freecycle: Front Door
We are a grassroots & entirely nonprofit movement of people who are giving and getting stuff for free in their own Towns. It's all about reuse and keeping good stuff out of landfills. Membership …
Newcastle-upon-Tyne - Freecycle
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Freecycle: Boulder Group
unused mailing boxes. 15 white carboard mailers, still folded and stacked in a box. 11" x 8" x 2". Perfect for mailing or storing...
Reading UK - Freecycle
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Freecycle: Lakewood Group
4 tool boxes . 4 empty tool boxes. All metal. Various sizes. Preference to someone who can take them all. Contact us with a...
Colorado Springs - Freecycle
Free Academy Awards Party Decorations . Several various decorations for an Academy Awards Party including a 5' cardboard standup Oscar, a game, yard sign,... offer. 3 days ago . 3-Seat …
Find a Town - Freecycle
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Freecycle: Modesto Group
Free oranges . Free oranges bring bags or boxes. My tree is loaded. Modesto. Near Lakewood and Brigsmore . Free oranges . Free oranges bring bags or boxes. My tree is loaded. offer. 3 …
Freecycle: Wirral Group
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