GOES 13 - Wikipedia
EWS-G1 (Electro-optical Infrared Weather System Geostationary) [2] is a weather satellite of the U.S. Space Force, formerly GOES-13 (also known as GOES-N before becoming operational) and part of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite system.
WMO OSCAR | Satellite: GOES-13
Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite - 13 | 6th flight unit of the GOES 2nd generation programme. Main mission: operational meteorology. Substantial contribution to space weather.
GOES Space Environment Monitor | NCEI - National Oceanic and ...
2017年12月14日 · The SEM has provided magnetometer, energetic particle, and soft X-ray data continuously since July 1974. The Solar X-ray Imager was introduced on GOES-12 and EUV sensors on GOES-13. Geosynchronous satellites have an unobstructed view of the sun for all but the few dozen hours per year when the Earth eclipses the sun.
Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite-N/O/P (GOES 13 …
2005年5月24日 · The Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite-N/O/P (GOES N-P), renamed GOES-13, -14, -15, are vital contributors to weather, solar, and space operations and science. NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) is responsible for procuring, developing, and testing the spacecraft, instruments, and unique ground equipment.
GOES-N, O, P - eoPortal
2012年5月29日 · Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite-N, -O and -P (GOES-N, -O, -P, designated GOES-13, -14, -15 after launch, respectively) refer to the three satellites that follow the GOES I-M series, known as the extended second-generation GOES series.
地球静止轨道环境业务卫星系列——GOES | 预报中心 - SEPC
GOES 卫星监测数据是美国空间天气预报中心 SWPC 给出当前空间天气情况和发布空间环警报的重要依据,如利用 GOES-13 提供的质子通量数据, GOES-13, 15 提供的电子通量和磁场的水平分量数据,绘制成图,进行实时发布。 同样地球同步轨道的太阳质子事件警报的数据来源也是 GOES 卫星能量大于 10MeV 的五分钟平均高能质子通量。 此外,国际上广泛采用的利用 1~8 埃软 X 射线辐射强度对 X 射线耀斑进行定级,参照的正是 GOES 卫星观测的软 X 射线峰值流量的量 …
GOES-NOP - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
The GOES-N series consists of GOES-13, GOES-14, and GOES-15. Click here for the GOES-N Series Data Book . Click here for information about the current status .
地球同步环境探测13号 - 卫星百科,很认真的中文航天百科 - 灰 …
goes 13 (goes n) → dod 1 → ews-g 1: 国籍: 美国: 研发机构: 波音公司: 任务类型: 气象: 轨道类型: geo: 轨道高度: 36474 km×35916 km: 轨道倾角: 3.2° 运载火箭: 德尔塔4m+(4,2) 发射日期: 2006年05月24日: 发射基地: 卡纳维拉尔角太空军基地 slc-37b: 寿命: 10年: 质量: 3133 kg (1800 kg bol ...
Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite 13 (GOES-13 ... - NASA
2014年9月21日 · Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite 13 (GOES-13) The GOES program is a key element of National Weather Service (NWS) operations providing continuous satellite monitoring of the Earth’s environment for weather forecasting, storm warning, and meteorological research.Launch: May 2006Operating Network: Near Space Network.
GOES 13 Operational Status | NESDIS
2006年5月24日 · The Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites (GOES) spacecraft status page provides up-to-date status information on GOES-13 and its various subsystems. Below are the color designations for each satellite status: