Eye of the Golem - Terraria Wiki
The Eye of the Golem is a Hardmode, post-Golem accessory that grants +10% critical strike chance. It has a 14.29*1/7 (14.29%) / 12.5*1/8 (12.5%) chance of being dropped by the …
Eye of the Golem - Official Terraria Wiki
The Eye of the Golem is a Hardmode, post-Golem accessory that grants +10% critical strike chance. It has a (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 1/7 (14.29%) / (Old-gen console and …
石巨人之眼 - 官方中文泰拉瑞亚维基百科(The Official Chinese Terraria …
石巨人之眼 是 困难模式 、 石巨人 后的 配饰,能给予 +10% 暴击 率。 它有 1/7 (14.29%) / 1/8 (12.5%) 几率掉落自 石巨人。 当与 地牢守卫 战斗时,此配饰会有所帮助,因为暴击能对地牢守 …
Golem - Terraria Wiki
Golem shoots ricocheting fireballs, attacks with its fists that extend from chains, jumps around, and fires eye lasers in its second form. Its fists and head can pass through blocks. Provided …
Eye of the Golem | Terraria Wiki | Fandom
The Eye of the Golem is an accessory that is dropped by the Golem. The item grants the wearer a 10% increased critical strike chance across all types of damage. It is also used in the crafting …
Eye of the Golem drop rates? : r/Terraria - Reddit
2015年7月19日 · So everytime you kill Golem, there is a 12.5% chance to get the eye but it doesn't mean you're guaranteed the item drop if you kill 8 Golems. You can kill Golem a 1000x …
I still have not gotten an eye of the golem after 53 golems... - Reddit
2020年6月7日 · Golem is guaranteed to drop one unique drop, and possibly extra drops. And as of 1.4, there are 7 options for the guaranteed drop. Golem fist, heat ray, sun stone, stinger, …
Golem - Official Terraria Wiki
Golem's head shoots ricocheting fireballs from its mouth which have a 1/2 (50%) chance of inflicting the On Fire! debuff for 5–7 / 10–14 / 15–21 seconds. When the head falls below half …
Eye of the Golem - Terraria Japan Wiki - arcenserv.info
Golem から14.29%でドロップする。 クリティカル率 +10% 紋章系アクセサリと比べると効果が大分低い。 これ単体で見ても10%の期待値アップ、さらにクリティカル率が上がれば上が …
Eye of the golem drop rate : r/Terraria - Reddit
2024年4月1日 · Have been farming Golem for a while trying to drop the Eye of the Golem but it hasn't dropped in over 30 runs. Am I doing something wrong or is it just a grind fest? Cheers. …