RETIC - GORDON AND SWEET'S METHOD - RETICULAR FIBERS PURPOSE: A silver impregnation technique that demonstrates reticular fibers. Reticulum is a support function of …
Special Stain Protocol: Gordon and Sweet’s Reticulin Method Purpose: The purpose is to detect reticular connective tissue, or reticulin. Principle: The reticulin fibers are first oxidized by the …
Gordon & Sweet’s Staining Protocol for Reticulin - IHC WORLD
2024年1月26日 · Reticulin fibres have little natural affinity for silver solutions so, they must be treated with potassium permanganate to produce sensitised sites on the fibres where silver …
Special Stains - Gordon Sweet Reticulin
Gordon and Sweet's technique demonstrates reticulin fibres using an argyrophil-type reaction involving silver solutions. These techniques rely on the impregnation of the fibres by silver ions …
Gordon & Sweets Impregnation for Reticulin - StainsFile
Most references to the Gordon & Sweets’ reticulin stain specify that the ammoniacal silver solution should be made with 10.2% aqueous silver nitrate and 3.1% aqueous sodium hydroxide. No …
Histology Stains: Reticulum, Gordon & Sweets Kit - Newcomer …
Newcomer Supply Reticulum, Gordon & Sweets Stain Kit procedure is a silver staining method for demonstration of reticular fibers; regarded as specialized connective tissue fibers. This stain is …
Gordon and Sweet's Reticulin - Histotechnology Group DST …
Gordon and Sweet's Stain for Reticulin. Classification: connective tissue stain Mechanism of staining: argyrophil metallic impregnation Purpose: stain reticulin Control tissue: liver, spleen, …
RETICULIN STAIN SEMINAR 24.5.pptx - SlideShare
2023年11月16日 · 1. Reticulin stain demonstrates reticular fibers and basement membrane material by staining them black using a silver impregnation process. 2. It is useful for studying …
Gordon and Sweet's Silver Staining - Chemistry - LabCE
The Gordon and Sweet's silver staining method is used to demonstrate reticular (retic) fibers. This method relies on the impregnation of retic fibers with silver through oxidation and reduction. …
Gordon & Sweet's Staining Protocol for Reticulin
Gordon & Sweet's Staining Protocol for Reticulin:Principle Reticulin fibres have little natural affinity for silver solutions so, they must be treated with potassium permanganate to produce …