Hydrocephalus in laboratory mice - The Jackson Laboratory
2003年7月11日 · Hydrocephalus may be caused by a blockage of the normal flow of CSF, a failure of absorption of CSF, or least commonly, an overproduction of CSF. Communicating hydrocephalus occurs when the flow of CSF is blocked after it exits the cerebral ventricles.
Animal Models of Hydrocephalus - Scientific Research Publishing
The unique double transgenic mouse model of communicating hydrocephalus shows severe ventricular enlargement and ependymal denudation and can be induced at any age because of doxycycline, which binds to tet-transactivator (tTA) and regulates astrocyte activation [118] [119] .
Molecular Mechanisms and Risk Factors for the Pathogenesis of Hydrocephalus
The mouse manifested as communicating hydrocephalus with patent aqueduct and no histological abnormalities in choroid plexus and subarachnoid space. Following the development of hydrocephalus, numerous hemorrhages throughout the …
Cerebral furin deficiency causes hydrocephalus in mice
2024年5月1日 · In this study, we generated a conditional knockout (cKO) mouse model by targeting the brain-specific furin. We defined that furin deficiency causes early death and growth retardation. The development of hydrocephalus was paralleled with the impaired ciliogenesis and ependymal cells that form the lining of the lateral ventricles.
Hydrocephalus in mouse B3glct mutants is likely caused by …
2021年4月28日 · Mouse B3glct mutants develop hydrocephalus at high frequency. In this study, we demonstrated that B3glct mutant ependymal cells had fewer cilia basal bodies and altered translational polarity compared to controls.
Spontaneous Hydrocephalus in Inbred Strains of Mice
1991年3月31日 · Hydrocephalus is characterized by the presence of an abnormal amount of fluid in the cerebral ventricular system. In the laboratory mouse, at least 14 mutations have been described in which hydrocephalus is the primary defect or is part of the phenotype.
Normal pressure hydrocephalus in adult mice causes gait …
Here, we describe the first mouse model of chronic, communicating hydrocephalus with normal intracranial pressure. Hydrocephalic male and female mice had unsteady gait and reduced maximum velocity. Despite performing well on a variety of behavioral tests, they exhibited subtle learning impairments.
Can't get there from here: cilia and hydrocephalus - Nature
2012年12月6日 · A new study reveals that hydrocephalus in a mouse model of BBS is related to defective proliferation and apoptosis of neural progenitor cells (NPCs) and can be rescued with lithium treatment...
The development of congenital hydrocephalus in the mouse
The development of hydrocephalus has been investigated in a strain of mice with an autosomal recessive gene for hydrocephalus. The hydrocephalus is apparent in histological sections by 1 day after birth as a dilatation of the lateral ventricles and cavitation of the surrounding brain.
Characterization of a mouse model of chronic hydrocephalus …
2021年10月1日 · New method: We performed and characterized a model that induces chronic hydrocephalus in the adult mouse brain by producing a pre-aqueductal semiobstruction using an acetate lamina inserted into the atrium of the aqueduct of Sylvius. After surgical procedure, we analyzed the hydrocephalus development on days 60 and 120 and sham-operated animals ...