NUKEMAP by Alex Wellerstein
NUKEMAP is a website for visualizing the effects of nuclear detonations.
NUKEMAP - Alex Wellerstein
NUKEMAP is essentially a “mash-up” of Samuel Glasstone and Philip J. Dolan’s The Effects of Nuclear Weapons (1977) and online map programs (initially Google Maps, but now MapBox). …
Nuclear Bomb Blast Simulator - Outrider
We built our bomb blast in close collaboration with Alex and modeled its functionality on his online nuclear weapon effects simulator, the NUKEMAP. In its first month, more than 1.4 million …
What would happen if a nuclear bomb went off in your backyard?
Experience the power of a low-yield nuclear weapon in your area
Blast Wave Effects Calculator – Nuclear Weapons Education Project
The blast model in this website is a simulation showing the destruction damage that the nuclear weapon can inflict on human, structures at the ground-level, low and high altitude . A new map …
Stevens’ Nuclear Expert Talks Oppenheimer, Trinity Test, Fallout ...
2022年3月9日 · Users can experiment with a wide range of nuclear weapons, from small "backpack bombs" to large-scale thermonuclear weapons such as a hydrogen bomb, and …
Nuclear Weapons Effects Simulator and Models
Built on mathematical models, this web-based calculator use the nuclear weapon effects data from the users (e.g., weapons yield, weather condition, wind speed). It then provides an output …
Nuclear Fireball Calculator – Nuclear Weapons Education Project
The size of the bomb can be chosen by selecting the weapon’s yield, as measured in kilotons. For a specific effect, choose the energy yield of the nuclear weapon explosion (kilotons): Enter the …
U.S. Nuclear Weapon Computer Simulations - U.S. Department of …
2009年1月20日 · These computer simulation advances provide the United States with the ability to monitor and maintain the nuclear weapons stockpile without nuclear explosive testing. You …
Perspectives: Paradise on Steam
On November 1, 1952, the United States detonated the world's first hydrogen bomb on Enewetak Atoll in the Pacific Ocean. In this VR experience you will feel the effects of “Ivy Mike” 10 km …