Judo Chokes (shimewaza) -- choking techniques - Judo Info
The practice of choking and strangulation techniques is a subtle art that requires more attention to detail than many other skills in Judo. Yet most texts on Judo do little to enlighten the …
Choking Techniques (Shime-Waza) - Judo Info
There are three fundamental manners for chokes: compression of the neck-veins which restricts the flow of blood and oxygen to the brain, compression of the trachea,and compression of the …
Judo - Choking Techniques - Black Belt Wiki
Here are a variety of choking techniques that are used in Judo. The Japanese name for these Judo choking techniques is Shime Waza. All Judo choking techniques (Shime Waza) are …
Chokehold - Wikipedia
In judo, chokeholds, known as shime-waza, are often subject to restrictions based on age or rank. Chokeholds are not allowed in sport sambo but are allowed in combat sambo. The chokeholds …
FightingArts.com - The Judo Choke
However they are usually grouped together as a class of grappling techniques called chokes, or shime waza. The first choking method, compression of the carotid arteries, is stressed in Judo …
Triangle choke - Wikipedia
A triangle choke, or sankaku-jime (三角絞) in judo, is a type of figure-four chokehold that encircles the opponent's neck and one arm with the legs in a configuration similar to the shape of a …
The Challenges of Shimewaza: Judo Chokes
It was introduced into the Olympic Games in 1964 and is practiced by millions of people throughout the world today. It is best known for it’s spectacular throwing techniques but also …
Chokes - Sunshine Coast Judo Club Inc.
There are three ways of choking your opponent, according to Shime Waza (Judo Chokes): Restricting the blood flow to the brain by compressing the carotid arteries. Restricting the flow …
technique - How are chokes/strangles classified in Judo?
2020年2月24日 · Below is a list of chokes and how they fall into the 12 current Kodokan shime-waza classifications. Note that like with certain throws, there is often debate as to whether …
Gyaku Jūji-jime - Wikipedia
Gyaku Jūji-jime (逆十字絞), or gyakujujijime, is a chokehold in judo. [1] It is one of the twelve constriction techniques of Kodokan Judo in the Shime-waza list. Danzan Ryu includes this …