FAQs about Juvenile Probation - The Annie E. Casey Foundation
2021年11月2日 · Key Statistics About Juvenile Probation How many young people are placed on juvenile probation each year? In 2019, roughly 265, 000 youth were placed on probation by juvenile courts nationwide. Probation is the most common disposition in youth justice. Why are youth placed on juvenile probation?
The Desktop Guide to Good Juvenile Probation Practice
2020年8月7日 · The guidance is organized by six themes: racial and ethnic equity in juvenile probation practice; diversion from the juvenile court system for youth engaging in normal adolescent behavior; effective case management; effective responses that contribute to positive behavior change in young people; limiting unnecessary detention; and ...
Juvenile Probation - The Annie E. Casey Foundation
2018年5月7日 · While juvenile probation practices vary widely from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, even officer to officer, the core element of the probation experience involves (1) a judge who imposes a list (often a long one) of rules and requirements that the young person must follow and (2) a probation officer who then keeps tabs on the youth to monitor ...
Transforming Juvenile Probation Training Series Now Online — …
2024年1月10日 · A training series aims to make juvenile probation more effective and equitable. Learn more about the series.
Transforming Juvenile Probation - The Annie E. Casey Foundation
2018年5月7日 · Transforming juvenile probation could deliver more lasting results than any other juvenile justice reforms. Probation is the most common disposition in juvenile justice with nearly a half-million young people given some form of probation annually. Taking action to get probation right presents an enormous opportunity for improving the entire ...
Juvenile Probation Transformation Training Series
Course 1: Introduction to Probation Transformation. Participants explore why juvenile probation transformation is needed, what it entails and how it can address racial inequities, support positive youth development, decrease confinement and achieve better outcomes for youth, families and communities. Course 2a: Introduction to Racial Equity
The Essential Need for Partnering With Youth and Families to ...
2022年10月18日 · Summary Probation is the most common disposition in the juvenile justice system. Yet, jurisdictions across the United States have not fully aligned their probation policies and practices with a developmental approach—one that recognizes the science on youth development and embraces a more holistic, collaborative, therapeutic and community …
Ten Core Principles for Youth Probation
2024年2月6日 · Individualize probation. Promote equity. Align practice with research. Minimize conditions of probation. Minimize confinement. Look to encourage success. Be a bridge to opportunity. Be a coach, teacher, mentor and advocate. Aim for progress, not perfection. Hold probation accountable for meaningful results.
Resources for Juvenile Probation Reform
2021年6月8日 · BREAKING THE RULES: RETHINKING CONDITION SETTING AND ENFORCEMENT IN JUVENILE PROBATION. The Council of State Governments published a tool kit for juvenile probation agencies, courts and their partners to work together to reform their current approaches to condition setting and enforcement. RACIAL EQUI ...
Video Reframes Juvenile Probation Officer as Coach and Catalyst
2023年5月23日 · A short video produced by the Annie E. Casey Foundation redefines the role of the juvenile probation officer to improve youth probation by using powerful evidence on adolescent behavior and brain development.