Life Time Classes On Demand
Bring Life Time to your living room with your favorite workout classes online. Choose from many member-favorite studio, cycle and group fitness classes.
Classes FAQs - Life Time
Get answers to frequently asked questions about class reservations, safety protocols and more.
The Ultimate Guide to Life Time Classes - Experience Life
Life Time offers hundreds of classes on the schedule each week, all included in your membership. Additionally, each class can be modified to fit varying fitness levels. If needed, ask your instructor for modifications and they’ll work with you.
Cycle Classes On Demand - Life Time
Enjoy your favorite Life Time cycle classes on demand, including AMP, EDG, PWR and more.
Which Indoor Cycle Class Is Right for Me? - Experience Life
To help you find the class that best fits your goals and preferences, we’ve broken down each of the Life Time indoor cycle options. Boost your mood with high-energy cardio intervals and great music. What to expect: Often called a “party on a bike,” this class features choreographed, on-the-bike moves that are synchronized to the music and lights.
Schedule FAQ - Life Time
On the website or app, you can either select a new club location or remain on the schedules page and add or remove locations using filters and add club location. Tap or click on the desired class on the schedule page. The class description and details, including other times the class is offered, and instructor name.
Luxury Health Club & Fitness Center Austin, TX | Life Time
Reserve a class or court, order lunch at the cafe, or book your appointment at LifeSpa. Life Time in Austin - South is a luxury health club with access to world-class facilities, expert trainers, & resort-like areas to rejuvenate. Become a member today!
Class Schedule at Champions - Life Time
View the Life Time Champions class schedule, register for fitness classes and get your body moving. Reach your health and fitness goals with us today.
10 Gyms That Have Spin Classes (& Average Session Time)
LifeTime Fitness offers high-end spin classes to its members. You can expect to get nothing but the best from it. If you want to sign up in a luxury gym for a spin class, it doesn’t get better than Equinox. You will have to pay more than $200 per month, but you will also get the best.
Cardio, Strength, Community: Everything to Know About GTX at Life Time
Learn about this results-based Signature Group Training program in our Q&A with a GTX coach. Increased strength, greater muscle definition, improved metabolism, more energy, and whole-body transformation. These results are all possible with regular fitness efforts, yet the roadblock many of us run into is how: What exercises do we do?