[1.6.4][SMP] John V3.2 -Revived- Mega Giant John & Baby John Jr.
2012年5月31日 · Open the Minecraft.jar with Winrar or any 7zip opener.4. DELETE META-INF5. Drag and drop Modloader and Audiomod into your minecraft.jar6. close your minecraft.jar7. Locate your ".minecraft" folder8. Open up my mod (John mod)9. Simply drag over the "mods" and "Resources" folder into your ".minecraft" folder10. Done! Tutorial Video: (Version 2.1)
[1.6.4] Baby Animals Model Swapper, Squickens [MOB][Forge]
2011年3月3日 · Baby Animals Model Swapper for 1.6.4 Release Replaces the vanilla baby models with the models I created for the original Baby Animals Mod. Model Swapper does not have any of the functionality of the Baby Animals mod, it only changes the look of the baby animals. You still interact with them the same way as you would the vanilla animals.
Anyway to disable baby zombies? - Discussion - Minecraft Forum
2014年2月25日 · No need to go offline, just install the mod according to the instructions here. Also, it is very easy to edit the code to remove baby zombies; in the EntityZombie class look for setChild() and delete the contents between the {}, so there is no code there, like this; no Java knowledge even required: public void setChild(boolean par1) { }
[1.9] Mini People Mod (Play as a dwarf or a child ... - Minecraft …
2015年5月7日 · Minecraft: crunkazcanbe Member Details How about a 1.7.10 version man it is less buggie then 1.8 has more hooks as for now then 1.8 ,and seems smoother I am sure you know this if you have messed with 1.7.10 and .
MC Mod Showcase | Minecraft Mods Review - Baby animals …
If you love mc mods then look at my Mod Showcase of this mod. This mod added new baby animals models that are very adorable and look better than the normal minecraft baby animals. Social Media Contact Info
Mod Help: Baby Animals - Mods Discussion - Minecraft Forum
2011年3月19日 · i followed the instructions in the baby animals .zip mod. 1. put in modloader 2. put in audiomod 3. put in spawnlist 4. put mod folder into resources 5. took the .pngs and put it into minecraft.jar's mob folder 6. deleted meta-inf 7. started minecraft, selected "play selected world" 8. when i started, minecraft was dark and scary. then it crashed.
Baby Mode | SpigotMC - High Performance Minecraft Community
2020年7月10日 · It's Minecraft, but really easy for total newbies. Search titles only; Posted by Member: Separate names with a comma.
Baby Mode by Fundy | SpigotMC - High Performance Minecraft …
2020年8月16日 · Search titles only; Posted by Member: Separate names with a comma. Newer Than: Search this category only. Search only resource descriptions
[V1.2] Female Creepers (New Baby Creepers & Server Support!)
2015年4月11日 · what if you could make the baby male creepers have an animation of blowing up also if it is possible if you change the chance of the baby Male creeper's to blow up like example to make that 60% to 80% chance that the creeper blowing up would end up in a Dud making the baby creeper not explode but fly off 1 block high and touch ground again ...
¿Pregnant mod? - Requests / Ideas For Mods - Minecraft Forum
2018年9月10日 · the baby would either be a tamed mob. or a npc~ to get the /fa pregnant! you drink a potion of regeneration (50% chance of getting preggers) give name to child when child is born.