Stalling problems - Montero — Car Forums at Edmunds.com
what makes my mitsubishi Montero limted die after the engine gets good a warm I have new water pump new radiator new thermerthat new wires new plugs it run… Learn more about …
Mitsubishi Montero Maintenance and Repair - Page 3 - Edmunds
2002 Misubishi Montero XLS, after a year of having this vehicle the car dealer had to replace the whole transmission. Every year after that I have brought the truck in at least once and it ended …
Mitsubishi Montero Maintenance and Repair - Page 5 - Edmunds
on my 94 montero when I was having charging system issues,low charging voltage at the battery,temp gauge going higher and higher,accessories acting up, I added a extra ground …
Towing behind a RV - Mitsubishi Montero - Edmunds
I have a 2000 Mitsubishi Montero sport limited with auto tranny and 4 wheel drive ,manual shift. Do I tow on the ground or do I need a tow dolley
Mitsubishi Montero Maintenance and Repair - Page 7 - Edmunds
2019年6月6日 · 2000 Mitsubishi Montero AC compressor turns off when fan is set to 4. I have a 2000 Mitsubishi Montero with a strange problem. The AC compressor works when the cabin …
Mitsubishi Montero Maintenance and Repair - Edmunds
Meanwhile I continued my search for any resolution. I came across a site that spoke about the same issue with the Pajero ( European Mitsubishi Montero) and it suggested that one should …
Mitsubishi Montero Sport Maintenance and Repair - Edmunds
My friend has a 2001 Mitsubishi Montero Sport XLS 4WD with 104xxx miles and recently, it started having issues. The car feels like it downshifts and upshifts when she is doing around …
2003 Mitsubishi Montero Sport L died and won't start
July 2014 edited July 2014 in Mitsubishi I just had a new gas tank installed and a gas/exhaust solenoid replaced, it was running great for about a day, then randomly died while driving like …
Mitsubishi Montero Sport Maintenance and Repair - Page 4
I have a problem with my 2002 Mitsubishi Montero Sport brake system I hoped to get some help with. The brake system seems to work fine with transmission in forward but in reverse …
Mitsubishi Montero Sport Maintenance and Repair - Page 2
The check engine light on my 2001 Mitsubishi Montero Sport turned on and a couple of days later the vehicle tremble, and surged and shut off when I came to a traffic stop. This happened …