Bistorta affinis 'Darjeeling Red' - RHS Gardening
A semi-evergreen perennial to 25cm tall, forming a mat of lance-shaped leaves to 15cm long, often becoming red in autumn; in summer dense spikes of small flowers open pink, becoming dark red when mature
Schneckenknöterich 'Darjeeling Red' - Bistorta affinis 'Darjeeling Red'
2021年5月23日 · Der Schneckenknöterich 'Darjeeling Red' erfreut mit seinen ährenartigen, länglichen Blüten. Dieser Blütenschmuck breitet sich wie ein wunderschöner rosaroter Teppich aus. Der anspruchslose Bodendecker eignet sich bestens, die Problemzonen des Gartens ästhetisch zu gestalten.
Persicaria affinis 'Darjeeling red' - The Beth Chatto Gardens
Low spreading mats of neat green leaves, which turn rich russet brown in autumn, remaining all winter. Larger spikes of pink flowers quickly deepening to red. Flowers midsummer-autumn. Synonym Persicaria affinis 'Darjeling Red'.
Persicaria affinis 'Darjeeling Red' - Claire Austin Hardy Plants
This mat forming perennial bistort is covered with thick spikes of tiny white. Perfect for the front of a border in any garden location.
Bistorta, Himalayan Fleece Flower, Himalayan Knotweed 'Darjeeling Red'
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How to Grow and Care for Himalayan bistort 'Darjeeling Red'
Most Japanese knotweeds have white flowers, but himalayan bistort 'Darjeeling Red' produces 15 cm-long brushes of dense flowers that start a pinkish white and darken to a deep crimson color in autumn.
Persicaria affinis 'Darjeeling Red' - Shoot
'Darjeeling Red' is a mat-forming, semi-evergreen perennial with large, elliptic to lance-shaped, dark green leaves and, from midsummer to mid-autumn, erect spikes of pink flowers that turn red as they mature. Plant in any moist, free-draining soil in sun or partial shade.
Persicaria affinis 'Darjeeling Red' - Quackin' Grass Nursery. Com
Persicaria affinis ‘Darjeeling Red’ – This is a great well-behaved weed-proofing ground covering Fleeceflower for sunny areas. Tongue-shaped glossy green leaves grow 2 to 4 inches long matted on a dense, spreading carpet. Mid season showy 8” flower spikes, and lots of them, erupt into autumn in a rosy red shade.
Spotlight: Persicaria affinis “Darjeeling Red” - Tropical Plant Guy
2022年2月18日 · Persicaria affinis “Darjeeling Red” commonly called Knotweed “Darjeeling Red” is a semi-evergreen perennial and a flowering plant. Native to the Himalayas but is popularly grown in the UK and other regions.
Persicaria Affinis 'Darjeeling Red' from Burncoose Nurseries
Persicaria Affinis 'Darjeeling Red' from Burncoose Nurseries available online to buy - Information: excellent ground cover with bright crimson flowers. Pests & Diseases - nonePlace of origin - garden origin.Resistant to honey fungus - These plants have little or …