Sodium-cooled fast reactor - Wikipedia
A sodium-cooled fast reactor is a fast neutron reactor cooled by liquid sodium. The initials SFR in particular refer to two Generation IV reactor proposals, one based on existing liquid metal cooled reactor (LMFR) technology using mixed oxide fuel (MOX), and one based on the metal-fueled integral fast reactor .
Numerical investigation on the core thermal hydraulic behavior of pool …
2024年9月25日 · CEFR is a pool type sodium cooled fast reactor with 65 MW thermal power and 25 MW electrical power (Xu and Yang, 2016). It is the first sodium-cooled fast reactor that uses DHR system for decay heat removal under protected and unprotected accidents . Figure 1 shows the diagram of internal structure and primary coolant flow in CEFR. The reactor ...
Comparison of advanced fast reactor pool and loop …
2011年1月1日 · The discussion on the reactor vessel diameter shows that the FS-pool reactor vessel is the most compact of the recent commercial reactor designs such as SPX-2, SNR-2, EFR, CDFR and BN-1600. This study points out better economic potential of FS-loop (present JSFR) as a result of competition with the most compact pool concept.
Development and application of 3D pool-type sodium cooled fast reactor ...
2022年2月1日 · This study provides an in-depth analysis of the three-dimensional transient thermal-hydraulic characteristics of the pool-type SFR, which solves the problem of rapid and refined analysis of the 3D sodium pool and provides a reference basis for the design of fast reactor systems.
The existing sodium cooled fast reactors (SFR) have two types of designs – loop type and pool type. In the loop type design, such as JOYO (Japan) [1] and MONJU (Japan), the primary coolant is circulated through intermediate heat exchangers (IHX) external to the reactor tank.
Review of fuel assembly and pool thermal hydraulics for fast reactors
2013年12月1日 · Two important challenges for the design of liquid metal fast reactors (LMFRs) are fuel assembly and pool thermal hydraulics. The heart of every nuclear reactor is the core, where the nuclear chain reaction takes place. Heat is produced in …
A small size (50 to 150 MWe) modular pool-type reactor with metal alloy fuel, supported by a fuel cycle based on pyrometallurgical processing in facilities integrated with the reactor.
is a large pool type industrial Sodium Fast Reactor of 1500 MWe which has been studied within the 7th Euratom Framework program of the European commission(19). The design objectives for ESFR include simplification of structures, improved In-Service Inspection
newly proposed Pool Reactor Auxiliary Cooling System (PRACS) in the context of the hybrid loop-pool design ensures adequate flow in the core during transients and the decay heat can be effectively transferred from the core to the cold pool and in turn be rejected to the ultimate heat sink by DRACS. This paper reviews the design options for advanced
Transient Thermal Stratification in Sodium Pool of a Fast Reactor
2021年8月4日 · Analyses of typical plant transients in a sodium cooled fast reactor using a coupled code combining 2D model for hot pool and 1D models for rest of the plant show that the development of transient thermal stratification effects in hot pool can be prevented by eliminating sympathetic safety action and emergency power provision for primary sodium ...