约 6 个结果

The Power Station | Dallas
The Power Station is a not-for-profit initiative dedicated to providing a platform for contemporary art projects in Dallas, Texas.
Calendar - The Power Station
A Project for The Power Station by Darren Bader February 04 - The Power Station Exhibition
Publications - The Power Station
Pietro Roccasalva Who Shot Mr. Burns?, 2019 Original price: $35 | Limited time offer 20% off $ 21
- [PDF]
The selection of works on view at The Power Station adhere to ParrinoÕs elemental vocabulary: black, white and aluminum. Like Titian, Parrino begins his paintings with a fundamental contrast.
Adam Gordon - The Power Station
Adam Gordon The Grey Room April 11 - Press Release Organized by: Rob Teeters
˜˚˛˝˙ˆˇ˛˘˝ ˜ ˜ ˆ 381 CMMERCE REE AA WWW.ERTAINAA.CM ERIC N. MACK In austerity, stripped from its support and worn as a sarong Opening October 25, 2019 from 6-8 PM