200mm Female Space Marine by Mousemuffins - CoolMiniOrNot
Yes, I'm aware there are (aparently) no female space marines. Why should that spoil my fun? Made (mostly) from apoxie sculpt over a wire armature. Still alot of finishing work to do, and details to add. this is a stylised approach, more anime than 40K in design, just keeping the recognisable space marine elements. So no, she's probably not bulky enough to confer a 3+ save :) . I built her onto ...
120mm Space Marine | CoolMiniOrNot
2011年7月15日 · 120mm Space Marine Update 7/16, torso details! So I was able to get a hold of 2 of the Forgeworld 120mm Space Marine. I am not planning on keeping any of the original pose and my plan is to base the model loosely off of the Sternguard Sergeant, the one with the power fist, yes this guy will have a power fist.
Space Marine Suppressor Imperial Fists - coolminiornot.com
Warhammer 40000 Primaris Suppressor from Imperial Fists Space Marines chapter. Only brush, Non Metallic Metal.
CoolMiniOrNot - Space Marine Land Raider by Caveman
2004年2月11日 · Land Raider from my own chapter of the Space Marines, the Legion of Gwar. Posted: 11 Feb 2004. Auto-next.
Space Marines BR FOR SELL by thefigurecorner - CoolMiniOrNot
2010年7月30日 · Hello everybody This space marines of BR have a veteran sargent and fire weapon, it´s painted whit acrylics paints and they are prepare to SOLD, contact whit me if you are interesting!! Bye!!
space marine by cyril - CoolMiniOrNot
2004年7月1日 · space marine. Science Fiction. Games Workshop. 28mm. ... but surprised it's ranked so high in the marines ...
CoolMiniOrNot - Ultra Marine Veteran Squad by weina
2004年3月24日 · You know, I like Space Marines, and this is a very good-looking squad, it must be a pleasure to play with those, I´m glad you hand-painted the insignia because decals often look awful.
Dark Elves color scheme??? Help! | CoolMiniOrNot
2003年9月2日 · I am fairly new to mini painting and I want to build a Dark Elf army...My only problem is... I can\\'t find a color scheme I really like that isn\\'t to difficult! I don\\'t like the GW paintscheme. I\\'m thinking of blue and violet with Dark armour with …
CoolMiniOrNot - Crimson Fist Space Marine (Flamer) by peteh
2006年8月21日 · Regular Crimson Fists marines have 1 red hand. Their Veteran units have 2 red hands. I hope that clears it up.
CoolMiniOrNot - Jet Bike Conversion by jimcheney
This is another of my "gritty-realism grungy sci-fi" style space marines. I had to mess with the contrast and brightness settings to get the detail to show up, so the color is slightly off. My Crimson Fist marines are actually blue, though a very military grey shade of it. I never liked the "Judge Dredd" style tires of the plastic space marine bikes, so I …