Eating rambutan seeds? - Tropical Fruit Forum
2012年12月19日 · Acording fo Julia Morton: "Food Uses Rambutans are most commonly eaten out-of-hand after merely tearing the rind open, or cutting it around the middle and pulling it off.
Rambutan Fruit tree in California - Tropical Fruit Forum
2016年9月16日 · Re: Rambutan Fruit tree in California « Reply #23 on: September 22, 2016, 04:22:12 PM » To fruit rambutan you would need to have them inside controlled environment, like greenhouse.
Growing Rambutan in Southern California - Tropical Fruit Forum
2019年9月2日 · This rambutan has been growing from seed, outdoors (under my patio cover and surrounded by other trees) in Southern California, for approx 3+ years, and seems to be quite happy. The fruit was grown in a mountainous region of Costa Rica.
Rambutan in Florida - Tropical Fruit Forum
2012年5月8日 · I think the other person to fruit rambutan in Florida was Adolf Grimal. Murahilin is right, the rambutan, and also pulasan, are allergic to your limestone soils. Your high water pH will also kill them. So if you pot them up in good garden soil , use low pH or neutral water, and protect from Arctic blasts you should be able to fruit them.
Rambutan vs. Pulisan - Tropical Fruit Forum
2016年7月16日 · The only Rambutan I've sampled that has any complexity to the flavor would be Seelengkeng, my favorite. However, Rambutans are much more consistent producers for me in Hawaii. There is a new variety of Pulasan now available here that is supposed to be a more dependable bearer of fruits, but my tree is newly planted and I haven't had the ...
Rambutan Fever in South Florida, USA - Tropical Fruit Forum
2018年8月8日 · Rambutan is a fruit that I want to get to know (in detail and scientifically-in-depth) more about; just as I’ve regularly seen ‘Experts’ routinely go about doing so in this Forum. This is because I find the taste of chilled Rambutan to be just great, and it’s even easy & fun to eat; although the other King of the Fruits, the Lychee ...
What is the best rambutan, and, Can pulasan be grafted onto …
2013年7月25日 · Re: What is the best rambutan, and, Can pulasan be grafted onto rambutan rootstock? « Reply #24 on: July 25, 2013, 05:27:22 PM » Don't bother with cuttings,they are harder to strike than jackfruit or mango cutting and rarely thrive.Grafting is easier than lychees with approach,cleft and saddle working.Just air layering is the best alround option.
Some trouble with rambutan sprouts. Newbie, questioning …
2025年2月18日 · Hi everyone, newbie here. I have managed to germinate some rambutan seeds about two months ago (not for comercial purposes) and all went well initially. (Note that I´m from Portugal, Europe and growing them to full fledged trees will be almost impossible but hey, I will try anyways). Germination rate was almost 100%, everything was perfect.
Rambutan seedlings VS Marcots - Tropical Fruit Forum
2020年10月29日 · Yes you don't have to worry about a tree getting snapped below the graft line. Unfortunately Julia Morton in her book Fruits of Warm Climates states that rambutan air layers fail, and a lot of people have believed that rambutan airlayers don't work ever since that. But the rambutan airlayer failures were all in Florida limestone.
Zone 10 S. Cal success growing Longan? Star fruit? Mangosteen?
2024年10月22日 · Rambutan? « Reply #10 on: October 25, 2024, 10:30:12 PM » Ate my first Sweetheart lychee off our tree this summer, was the best lychee I’ve ever had...You just need to be patient and let the tree get established.