Sarkastodon - Wikipedia
Sarkastodon ("meaty tooth") is an extinct genus of placental mammals from extinct subfamily Oxyaeninae within extinct family Oxyaenidae, that lived in Asia (in today's China and Mongolia) during the middle Eocene. [1] It was a genus of large, carnivorous animals known only from a skull and jawbones.
Sarkastodon Animal Facts - S. henanensis, S. mongoliensis - A-Z Animals
2024年5月27日 · Similar to the modern hyaena, Sarkastodon had a fierce set of canines backed up by premolars made for tearing and hearty, smashing molars to finish the job. The result is dentition that could not only bite into a rhinoceros but also effectively grind that tough meat down.
Sarkastodon: A Giant Wolverine or a Bear Cat with a Long Tail
2023年10月8日 · Sarkastodon was a typical oxyaenid, with a head shape like that of the famous Patriofelis (“father of cats”) who lived in the middle Eocene Wyoming. Short, wide, and heavy, with a prominent jaw, characterized the skull of this creature.
Sarkastodon - Prehistoric Wildlife
2012年5月1日 · Sarkastodon would have been one of the more powerful predators of its day, but eventually the creodonts, the group it belonged too, would lose out to newer predators such as the amphicyonids, better known as ‘bear dogs’.
Meet The Huge ‘Hypercarnivore’ That Looked Like A Cat And Weasel
2022年10月10日 · Sarkastodon, as far as researchers know, was the largest Creodont ever to emerge. It might also have been the largest mammalian carnivore the world has ever seen. Unfortunately, Creodonts no longer exist on earth. We’re left to wonder about the life of Sarkastodon without any of its descendants to base our ideas after. There are some things ...
Oxyaenidae - Wikipedia
They were superficially cat-like mammals that walked on flat feet, in contrast to modern cats, which walk and run on their toes. Anatomically, characteristic features include a short, broad skull, deep jaws, and teeth designed for crushing rather than shearing, as in the hyaenodonts or modern cats. [citation needed]
Sarkastodon - Wikiwand
Sarkastodon is an extinct genus of placental mammals from extinct subfamily Oxyaeninae within extinct family Oxyaenidae, that lived in Asia during the middle Eocene. It was a genus of large, carnivorous animals known only from a skull and jawbones.
Sarkastodon - Actforlibraries.org
Sarkastodon was a member of the family Oxyaenidae which is turn part of the creodont order. Creodonts emerged during the late Cretaceous period but really came into their own during the Cenozoic era. Creodonts were the dominant predators from about 55 million years ago until 35 million years ago.
Sarkastodon - Jurassic Park Builder Wiki
Sarkastodon is an extinct genus within the family Oxyaenidae that lived during the upper Eocene, approximately 35 million years ago. It was a large, carnivorous animal that lived in what is today Mongolia. Sarkastodon is known only from a skull and jawbones.
Species Classification: Oxyaenidae. - Prehistoric Wildlife
Sarkastodon In Depth Not too much is known about Sarkastodon because so far as only the skull and jaw are known for certain. The size and construction of these skulls however strongly suggest that in life Sarkastodon would have been a very large, powerful animal and is often likened to being like a bear. Like many …