Sony FE 20mm f/1.8 G Review - Photography Life
2023年12月2日 · As you’ll see throughout this review, this small and somewhat unassuming lens has extraordinary performance, making it a top choice for landscape, Milky Way, and other wide-angle photography. Is the Sony FE 20mm f/1.8 G right for you? Read on to find out!
Sony FE 20mm f/1.8 G review - Digital Camera World
2020年4月30日 · The new Sony FE 20mm f/1.8 G boosts your viewing angle from 84° to a much wider 94° and, while it doesn’t have quite such a fast aperture, it’s impressively compact yet delivers stunning image quality – all while undercutting the FE 24mm for price.
Sony FE 20mm f/1.8 G 評測報告|輕巧、高畫質、動靜皆宜!
2020年3月10日 · 而在二月即將進入尾聲時,Sony 突然神來一筆在海外發表 Sony FE 20mm f/1.8 G 這顆全新定焦鏡頭,不僅是 G 系列的第一顆超廣角定焦鏡,也是 E-Mount 的第一顆 20mmf/1.8。 輕巧又緊湊的鏡身結構,在全片幅機身上是稱職的 20mm 超廣角,如果接在 APS-C 機身上就變成 30mm 的小廣角,而且適中的尺碼讓它搭配 A6600 這類的 APS-C 機身也不會顯得頭重腳輕,反而能善用解像力極佳的中央畫質來表現,此時光圈同樣維持在 f/1.8,如果你是全 …
Sony FE 20mm f/1.8 G Lens - B&H Photo Video
Presenting an ultra-wide field of view, the Sony FE 20mm f/1.8 G is a sleek and wide-eyed prime lens characterized by its portability, advanced optical design, and intuitive handling. It's an ideal companion for a range of subjects, from architecture and interiors to landscape to vlogging, and the sleek size makes it a go-to wide-angle option ...
Sony FE 20mm f1.8 G review - Cameralabs
2020年3月30日 · The Sony FE 20mm f1.8 G is an ultra-wide prime lens designed for Alpha mirrorless cameras and corrected for full-frame sensors. It delivers an ultra wide field-of-view that captures comfortably more than a 24mm, making it ideal for expansive landscapes, tight interiors, wide astro photography, as well as vlogging or environmental portraiture.
超廣定焦的新詮釋 Sony FE 20mm F1.8 G 開箱|實拍|測試
其實 Sony 在 FE 135mm F1.8 GM 之後所推出的鏡頭對焦速度都已提升至相當快的水準,FE 20mm F1.8 G 也不例外,它搭載了與 GM 鏡頭同級的 XD 馬達(XD 意為極高動態,不是表情符號),在對焦時可以透過持相機的雙手約略感覺到「內部鏡組迅速移動至定位」的回饋感 ...
高品质星空头,索尼FE 20/1.8 G评测 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2020年的春天如约而至,索尼在这个特别的春天里发布的第一款新品是一支 FE 20 mm F1.8 G 镜头。 正如官方所说,这是第36支FE卡口镜头,也是 E卡口系统 里的第56支镜头。 不知不觉间E卡口已经变成了一个大家族,单就全画幅系统而言,在发布了30多支镜头之后该发布什么样的新品是一个非常好的问题,索尼给我们的答案是一款超广角定焦。 这支镜头在规格上和之前推出的FE 24mm F1.4 GM有相近之处,很多人在前者发布后会有疑问,这个焦段拍星星也不够广,这么 …
Sony FE 20mm F1.8 G Review - PCMag
2020年2月25日 · With the FE 20mm F1.8 G ($899.99), Sony adds a bright, wide-angle prime lens to the E-mount full-frame mirrorless system. It has plenty of appeal for photographers who want...
Sony FE 20mm f/1.8 G Review - KenRockwell.com
Even if you don't need to shoot wide-open at f/1.8, its extra speed is extremely useful for fast, precise and clear magnified manual focussing, especially in dim light where this f/1.8 lens is five-times faster than the 12-24mm f/4 and makes Live View much clearer and precise.
Sony FE 20mm F1.8 G review - Amateur Photographer
2023年9月25日 · Does the Sony FE 20mm F1.8 G fast wide-angle prime lens meet the high expectations of Sony E-mount users? Find out in our comprehensive review. We’re used to prime lenses with f/1.8 maximum apertures, but only in ‘normal’ focal ranges. The Sony FE 20mm F1.8 G’s maximum aperture of f/1.8 is pretty remarkable in a lens as wide as this.