Special Troops Battalion - Wikipedia
A special troops battalion (STB) is an organic unit of a modular brigade, division (or equivalent), corps or higher echelon United States Army organization. It may comprise companies from different branches of the army, but typically has a Headquarters and Headquarters Company (HHC) and Signal Network Company at a minimum.
Special Troops Battalion - United States Army
Special Troops Battalion will deliver operational-level sustainment focused combat ready formations to support the Central Command area of responsibility and will do this through tough, safe,...
Special Troops Battalion (STB) - US Army Combined Arms Center
Special Troops Battalion, Combined Arms Center provides command, readiness, and legal support to assigned and attached units to provide ready Soldiers and formations that enables the...
Special Troops Battalion – U.S. Army Training and Doctrine …
The TRADOC Special Troops Battalion provides command and control of administration, logistics, training, military justice and operations in support of Headquarters, United States Army...
75th Ranger Regiment STB Page - SOC
The 75th Regimental Special Troops Battalion (RSTB) was provisionally activated on July 17, 2006 and officially activated on Oct. 16, 2007 as a response to the demands of the War on Terror and the changing nature of Ranger operations.
Special Troops Battalion
Special Troops Battalion. LTC Michael R. Johnson Battalion Commander. Read Bio. CSM Leonard V. McFarlane Command Sergeant Major. Read Bio. Headquarters, Headquarters Company. MAJ John Ronayne Company Commander. Read Bio. 1SG Lashay Austin First Sergeant. Read Bio. 500th Military Police Detachment. CPT Bronwyn K. Kirkpatrick
528th Sustainment Brigade (United States) - Wikipedia
The 528th Sustainment Brigade (SO) (A) consists of a brigade staff, a support operations unit, and three battalions: the Special Troops Battalion, the 112th Special Operations Signal Battalion, and the 389th Military Intelligence Battalion.
Special Troops - 25th Infantry Division Association
Special Troops. Note: As a result of the reorganization of the 25th Infantry Division in 2005 three Special Troops Battalions were activated. See History of Special Troops for an understanding of the past and present roles of Special Troops in U.S.Army Divisions.
Special Troops Battalion, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain ...
The Special Troops Battalion, 1st Brigade, 10th Mountain Division was awarded two campaign streamers in World War II and two campaign streamers in the War on Terrorism for a total of four campaign streamers and two unit decorations in its operational history. Note that some of the brigade's battalions received more or fewer decorations ...
Special Troops Battalion - The Bomb Yearbook Collection
2024年12月23日 · The Special Troops Battalion (STB) is a unique and elite unit within the military, designed to provide specialized support to various operations. The STB is composed of highly trained and skilled soldiers who possess expertise in areas such as communications, intelligence, engineering, and security.