2024年1月8日 · Supplier codes of conduct are companies' documented standards for members of their supply chain ecosystems. A supplier code of conduct helps a company ensure that its suppliers, subcontractors and subsidiaries share its values with regard to labor standards, health and safety, environmental impacts and business ethics.
IBM uses the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) Code of Conduct for its internal operations and global supply base. This code sets minimum social responsibility standards for suppliers, as enforced by IBM. Non-compliant suppliers will face consequences such as a reduction or termination of their business contract.
Supplier Code of Conduct IBM is a founding member of the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA), a nonprofit industry group that enables its members to strive for continuous improvement in the social, environmental, and ethical responsibility of their companies, and upstream supply chains.
IBM's Business Conduct Guidelines (BCGs) is our code of business conduct and ethics for our directors, executive officers and employees. Any amendment to our BCGs that applies to our directors or executive officers will be disclosed on IBM's website, and any waiver of the BCGs for directors or executive officers may be made only by the IBM ...
基于价值观的业务运营方法可以追溯到几十年前。1953 年,Howard R. Bowen 在其著作《商人的社会责任》(Social Responsibilities of the Businessman) 中将高管的社会责任定义为“商人有义务奉行这些政策、作出这些决定或遵循那些符合我们社会的目标和价值观的行动路线。
Environmental design requirements are communicated and verified with suppliers. IBM's design and compliance controls, including a specification for baseline environmental requirements for supplier deliverables to IBM, a product content declaration for IBM suppliers (PCD), packaging compliance and controls and compliance assessment protocols, are managed by …
To develop a vetting process, organizations may look to competitors for examples of similar ethics policies, codes of conduct and best practices. Then, companies may use this information, as well as their own existing policies around practices like sustainability, to build criteria for evaluating potential suppliers.
The RBA Code of Conduct establishes the standards we expect from our suppliers in doing business with IBM across several areas of social responsibility, including labor, health, safety, protection of the environment, ethics, and management systems.
The IBM Business Conduct Guidelines provide guidance for resolving legal and ethical issues, emphasizing integrity and compliance with company policies.